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Heroes Season 3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Just got to watch the first two episodes. Wow, they really came back with a bang. So much going on but all we can really do is speculate until we get some more information.

Brilliant !!


4 Sneak Peaks of Ep3 "One of us, one of them" - Contains Spoilers

[ Last edited by shinny at 9-26-2008 14:45 ]


Reply 55#55 waterlilybarb's post

Oh, that's a really good one Barb; Because, remember the guys she "beat up" with excessive force when she was Jessica or whoever, maybe that's what she "learned" from them, because they were "heavies" so to speak. Wow, I like that theory !!

I'm in shock though. I can't believe that was the guy who played the greatest American Hero. I'm shocked !! I had to go back for a second look. I used to love him & that show ! He's aged Badly !


Yep, it's all getting very interesting now.

The part with Ando and Hiro I think what happened here is Hiro set it up to look like he knifed Ando. Remember that he can bend time. I bet he froze time, got a fake sword and packs of blood and then set it up to look like he knifed Ando !!

I'm also not liking the new Peter, but I think what Barb said makes sense. This will make him a better hero in the long run.


Great episode, it's definitely all going topsy turby!!

It's hard to know what's really right and wrong at this stage though. They keep changing the goal posts, so to speak !!!


Reply 136#136 bala's post

Well it looks like we called it !!!


Peter is an empath, right? So, he learns his powers from others. Wouldn't it make sense that he's just back to basics now and has to learn them all over again? If Papa Petrelli took his ability to learn (as in him being an empath) then it just doesn't make sense. I can understand how he can take the powers he acquired, but not his basic ability. That's going to be part of Peter's genes. It's like saying he took Peter's ability to think, or cry or laugh, imo!

Plus, how many times is Peter going to lose his powers?!

I thought the "come and give your father a hug" was a bit out of sync with everything else that was going on. I mean, Peter saw the bad guys in the background and he knows what his father is capable of, so why walk into the trap? Pissh!


Reply 161#161 waterlilybarb's post

I suppose, but he knew his Father had done some pretty bad things. Plus with all the "super villain" guys standing inside, you think he would have been a tincy wincy bit suspicious !!


Hey all, finally got to catch up on the last 3 episodes back to back. I was raging this was a two parter !!

All I can say is Wow. These episodes have been amazing and I'm left hanging for the next installment.

I find Elle and Sylar cute together. I don't think that Elle trying to make Sylar "bad", I think she's just rebelling against authority. The Company, Mr Petrelli. She want's Sylar to be his own man.

Obviously the total eclipse is all about birth and rebirth so this must mean that Peter will get his abilities back. What about that scene with Mohinder !?


Just got done watching the second part. Wow, there was lot going on in this episode. We see Nathan taking that step that will lead to his "super army".

Claire gets to see what happens when her father is given her as an "Order"

So is Sylar not a Petrelli? Who is lying??? I kinda want him to be but now my mind has gone into overdrive of why he may not be either !!

There is definitely something suspicious about the Sylar and Elle scene. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't believe she is dead. I'm not really sure what's going on either. She wasn't screaming in nearly enough pain to be having her head "opened" like his past victims, what is going on here. I guess we will find out next week !!

Promo for 3x12 (Our Father)


Reply 6#6 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks for putting a name on him. I just remember him from Clueless !!


Reply 12#12 imarielle626's post

Ah. I never watched Road trip.


Reply 10#10 waterlilybarb's post

Yeh, I'd heard that the next Volume "Fugitives" is starting come January/February (yet to be announced). I believe the next episode is the last one of the Villains Volume.

[ Last edited by shinny at 12-10-2008 11:34 ]


I have to say I'm a little disappointed at how they "gave" Peter his powers back. Am I right in saying that Peter was born with the power but Nathan was given it? If so, I just think it makes Peter less special than he was before. I think it should have "come" back to him rather than him having to use the formula to get it back. Just my thoughts on it.

I'm not sure I understand where and when Nathan changed so dramatically. Did he always have this underlying air of being a power hungry person? Maybe, but I think they kind of leaped from him being middle of the road to being an extremist. I just don't think it flowed well. I would have liked to see some real reason for the dramatic change.

I'm looking forward to the next one though. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I thought it was great to see the President being African American. At least they are keeping up with the times !!

One last gripe, sorry !! But I think the whole Daphne and Ando thing was way out there. Surely if he "boosts" people's power her speed ability would mean she'd travel faster, so it would mean she'd go into the future, not the past. Also, I didn't like how easy it was for them to get back to that exact moment in time, when they'd only learned about it !


Reply 4#4 imarielle626's post

Yeh, I remember them referring to the theory of relativity. I didn't think that was enough. How did she know how to control which direction she would go in the space/time continuum? I dunno, it seemed lazy writing to me. As if they think the audience isn't educated enough to wonder further than them saying it's Einstein's theory of relativity. Like that's enough!

I've been thinking about Nathan since (I know, very sad !!) but perhaps this is not what it seems? The future has been effected so much, I don't think anyone of can safely say what happens. So, perhaps he's rounding them all up because he wants to get all the "gifted" people in one place, for something good? They are suggesting it's for something bad and with what happens in the future, but perhaps that's not how it will pan out?

Who knows, but I like that they keep us guessing all the time !

[ Last edited by shinny at 12-17-2008 08:47 ]


Reply 8#8 imarielle626's post

Haha. Nah, it's just they have spinned us so much I'm throwing out all scenarios now !! I think the ruling the world scenario is probably the most obvious from what they've shown us.

Oh no, not Caitlin and her terrible Irish accent, pleasssssssssssssssse !!


Reply 10#10 waterlilybarb's post

Yeh, that's what I'm thinking too. I'm really looking forward to the next volume now!


Loved the past two episodes, I was playing catch up. I thought it was funny in 3x14 when Nathan asked Peter to give him a hug. I thought to myself, "Doesn't this boy ever learn???" Evidently not!

Can't wait for the next episode.


Hey all, watched the episode last night, late, so I was too tired to comment on it then.

Loved the boys drugging HRG, that was a good twist. I agree Barb, it was about time that she got rid of him. It was good to see Claire wasn't buying into her fathers ways though, she was honest with her mother.

I was really annoyed at how predictable the story was on Tracey freeing herself. Lazy writing!!

There is something very strange about Luke. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's just an odd feeling I have about him.

What is annoying me more is the fact that nobody is just a tad bit concerned that Nathan is one of them. His brother is, his daughter is.......but no, nobody seems to have made the connection !


This was a nice change from the past few episodes. The flashback scenes were good also.

I had kind of suspected that HRG wasn't fully on board with this, but it was good to have that confirmed. You got that impression all the way through, but the scene at the end with Angela totally confirmed this. He needs for them to completely believe he is loyal so we are going to see him doing things that may make him seem like the enemy to the others.

I'm sorry to keep going on about this, but will someone please "get it" about Nathan. When The Hunter said "How'd you get here so fast" I thought to myself "At last, he's going to put 2+2 together here" but no, still nothing! For a "hunter" he seems to be missing very obvious clues here !!

Why didn't Matt use his power of suggestion on the Swat team? Can he only do it to one person at a time or was he just worn out from being in HRG's mind?

And Daphne is still alive !! I'm glad about that, even just for Matt's sake !

I wonder why Matt ends up wearing a belt of Dynamite? It has to be to do with Daphne I guess. Another explosion though, blah. We've seen this before!

[ Last edited by shinny at 2-24-2009 11:50 ]


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