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Threat detected!

Threat detected!

When I load the site homepage I am alerted that file is infected. Apperently in is an 'Exploit JavaScript Obfusication (type 624)'. Anyone know what that means and how worried I should be? Anyone else getting the same message? I'm using AVG EDIT: It's on every page that I load on the site. I might stay away for a while until this is sorted. [ Last edited by ollyhume at 3-8-2009 23:01 ]


Yeah I scanned my PC and it's clear. It's definately on viptv, hopefully they will remove it quickly. Thanks a lot for the quick reply and help, I really appreciate it.


I'm on vista too and it's happening on both my PC's. I think it might just be AVG that picks it up, it must just be one of the embeded adverts on the pages. It's probably just trying to do something it shouldn't like a re-direct or pop-up. I don't think it's something to worry about since no file is being downloaded. Although I am deleting my cookies when my browser closes just to be sure.


Seems to be corrected now, panic over. Thanks everyone, You proved there are still nice people around.

