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Lie To Me Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 32#32 codebreaker's post

the guy had the trigger cal had no choice


Reply 33#33 bala's post

I was expecting someone to grab him not the kill shot in the crowded street what was to stop the bullet going through his head and hit someone behind him


Reply 34#34 codebreaker's post

Well remember Cal said he give him signal and he did -there couldn't risk  it but your right it could of but it didn't


Episode 1: Pilot

Brilliant episode, as expected the acting is fantastic. All the characters are interesting despite the fact that we really do not know that much about them yet, And of course the ending song 'Easier to Lie' fitted the show down to the ground. I love the premise of this show and I love the way that Dr. Lightman can tell if somebody is lying to him. The case was actually enjoyable and I found myself wanting to know who killed the teacher; overall this show has loads of potential, only downside it is like too many other shows.  


Episode 2: Moral Waiver

This was a brilliant episode; this episode had a lot of tension, especially over the allegations by a soldier of rape by her commanding officer. Of course, Cal cleverly worked out what was really going on. Ria Torres is quite an intense character but I am sure we will learn more about her as the series progresses. The main case in this episode was a good choice and the little side case with Gillian investigating a basketball player over bribes was good to see, overall this episode worked out very well even though the case was a touchy subject.  


Episode 3: A Perfect Score

This was a great episode with quite allot of plot twists, I really like how Cal had to do with a more personal issue in this episode and that personal issue would be his daughter, the case in this episode was actually quite good, to start with a thought it was going to be boring but by the end I found it to be a brilliant case, the other case in this episode was by far the better episode as the case was great from start to finish, the twist in the case Gillian worked on was great as it was the wife dosing his husband with the anti depressant drug.


Episode 4: Love Always

I found this episode to be down from the previous three brilliant episodes, I loved it when they discussed how every culture has different mannerisms and gestures which made it much harder to tell if they are lying or not, I found that part very interesting, I found Gillian and Ria to be quite poor in this episode as nothing they did made an impression, the case in this episode I think they slightly over did it at certain points which caused this episode to be down from the previous episodes, Cal as usual was the best character in this episode.


Episode 5: Unchained

This was a brilliant episode, the start of this episode was really good, the gang case Cal and Ria worked on was my favourite one but the fire fighter case Gillian and Eli worked on gave it a run for its money. I like how Cal and Gillian help each other on their cases,  the main thing I liked about the Gillian and Eli case was how they got to the truth about what happened to Eric, Ria needs to get over her problems, I was surprised to see that Manny really did change, the last few minutes were brilliant.


Episode 6: Do No Harm

This episode was slightly better than the last episode, the case that Cal and Gillian had was brilliant and I think that Cal and Gillian work very well together as a team, I liked how we learnt something about Gillian's past, the solving and ending of the Cal and Gillian case was shocking and brilliant, Ria and Eli had a good case but I found the case to be boring, Ria and Eli make a strange team. Eli was too attached to this case but ended up learning the truth, Eli did the right thing in the end, the ending was beautiful and touching.


Episode 7: The Best Policy

This was a very good episode, Ria is growing more into her role and put on another great performance in this episode, the case about American Hostages was the better case in this episode and it had one hell of a twist while the other case involving one of Cal's college friends Dr. Jeffrey Buchanan was a nice thing and also had some nice twists and turns to, I think Gillian is figuring out that something is up with her husband, the interaction between Cal and Ria and Cal and Gillian was very good and quite interesting to watch, I thought Peters and Jeffrey were a pair of asses. Gillian did a good job of getting both American Hostages back, the ending with Cal was great


Episode 8: Depraved Heart   

This was a great episode and better than the last one, in this episode we got a huge bit of character development with Cal as we learnt his mother committed suicide, I found this to be one of best cases so far this season and that was down to the excellent job Cal did and the twists in the case, Eli gaining a attitude in this episode was brilliant, Ria is getting on my nerves quite allot of late as she tries to dig into her colleagues personal lives, the case Gillian and Eli worked on was a great second case for this exciting and non stop action episode.


Episode 9: Life Is Priceless

This was a great episode and my new favourite episode so far this season, I enjoyed seeing Torres and Loker work a case together, I loved how Cal and Gillian worked together at a building collapse to help save 3 workers who were trapped, the Cal and Gillian case had a ton of interesting twists while Torres and Loker gave their billionaire client Jason some good advice about his girlfriend Nadia, I was glad that the 2 workers were rescued in the Cal and Foster case but Blunt dying a hero was a nice touch and I would never of thought Meredith was responsible.


Episode 10: Better Half

This was another great episode, I absolutely loved watching the interaction between Cal and Zoey in this episode, the arson case itself was very good and had some good little twists, I liked how the case turned out to be revenge from the television reporters wife, we did not see that much of Loker in this episode which I found strange, the second case in this episode about the murdered rapper was also good and the person who turned out to be the killer was not a shock, was good to see Emily again in this episode, the ending scene was great as Cal and Zoey slept together.


Episode 11: Undercover

This in my opinion was a great episode, I was sure Foster's husband was having a affair but to learn he is a junkie was a complete surprise, Torres lying for Loker was good,and it was great that the Loker lie got sorted but making him a intern again was harsh, the ending with Cal and Foster was my favourite part as it was revealing about their relationship and how they approach there jobs, the case in this episode involving 2 cops and a shooting took a major twist when Erin turns out to be uncover FBI agent, the cases took many twists, the ending of the cases was surprising.


Episode 12: Blinded

This episode was a great episode, I loved the start of this episode with Cal in prison trying to get some answers out of Andrew who not only figured out Cal was lying but led Cal, Foster and the cops to the next kidnap victim, Cal was very touchy but I did enjoy the game of cat and mouse Cal and Andrew played, I like how they kept picking up suspects and they all turned out not to be the copycat, Foster almost being kidnapped was good, I don't like Torres any more, Cal getting the name he wanted by tricking everyone was great, I was shocked that Paul was the copycat and was glad they saved the missing woman, was glad Karl got a job working for Lightman Group.


Episode 13: Sacrifice

This was a cracking episode and my new personal favourite, this episode has a explosive start which I liked, the whole suicide bomber case in this episode was perfect and was sort of like a race against time before more attacks takes place, Torres having her confidence shaken was good for this episode and I for one think Torres needs to get over herself and stop blaming Cal for everything, Ben is fitting into his new role very well in my opinion, I did like the small side stories involving Foster,  Emily and Zoe. Ben and Loker worked well together, the last 8 minutes were the best.


Hey has anyone read or heard when they will be back in the line up?  i haven't been able to find when their going start airing the rest of the season's episodes.

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


Reply 36#36 kwargalla's post

Well at moment season 3 suppose start in April but no date has been revealed


i hadn't relized that season 2 had ended.  They left off on episode 10.  and has 16 episodes listed.  that's why i'm feeling confused about the season

"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow


Reply 38#38 kwargalla's post

Those 6 episode were meant be in season 2 but i just assume the season has finish with such huge gap but there are few people out there that says it's on break  that season 2 will return in spring. I am also confused.

[ Last edited by bala at 3-9-2010 07:18 ]

