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"That line was a Zinger" Game

Great topic! I'll give this a try.

Supernatural 3x12 Jus in Bello

Special Agent Hendriksson wakes up after he had been possessed by a demon.
Sam: "Hendriksson. Hey... is it you in there?"
Hendriksson: "I... I shot the sheriff"
Pause... and
Dean: "But you didn't shot the deputy"

I just saw this episode again, and had forgotten about that. It made me laugh.
The look on Sam's face is just priceless.
Watch it here, if you want to:
Recent Ratings
  • kwargalla Points +2 Bonus points 11-26-2008 06:59
  • kwargalla Points +6 4 points for the quote - dean really doe 11-24-2008 13:08


Originally posted by waterlilybarb at 27/4/2009 02:30  

I think that was one of my favourite funny lines this season.   
I think so too. It made me LOL

