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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 65#65 tycoonworld's post

Yes,  she was great when she did Burke's surgeries and there has not been an adequate replacement for the cardio gods they used to have at SGH. And she clearly deserves to shine. But it shows that even she is human after all.


I really enjoyed this episode. CHandra Wilson directed it and it was her first ever and I must say- not only do I like her as Bailey, she also did a great job here. A very intense storyline and I liked that it was all Derek. I would not mind having one of them as the centre for each episode. Interesting too how last week it was one story, all perspectives and today they picked it up again by having people watch it, Meredith on the phone..... and yet it was all about Derek.
Don't you just hate the way the chief behaves? How the merger affected him? I feel sorry and in a way I believe he should have retired because his own fear is holding back Derek. He HAD to disobey the chief. And see how the docs joined ranks? Arizona did great.
Of course the chief had the right to fire him. But I do not think Derek will be fired. As Bailey said- this surgery on the one hand meant he would get fired- but can or should you fire someone who can do the impossible? SGH is  not one of the best hospitals anymore and others would be surely glad to get such a surgeon. The Chief must know that and Derek to say to him what he himself got as an advice before the surgery was really well made. Derek reacted very wisely. And the Chief probably knows that at that moment, Derek probably deserved being chief himself. He did the impossible. The Chief has to face the impossible with the merger and all and he failed. He fired one of the chances to get SGH back to its former glory.
All in all, a great insight into the mind of Derek.
And as an aside- Alex. Who gets his heart broken again. Was it just me or was Reid tempted to hug him in the cancer treatment room? And yet she knew she could not. Poor Alex, he deserves better.
Last but not least, the diaper, Christina and Lexie. Without that little story it would have been gloomy and it is the good old GA quirkiness. Well done.
Overall, good episode. More of these please. Less izzie drama, more cases like Concrete Block Guy, Impaled people, bomb inside a patient. Or this tumor that got Derek fired. Well rounded, good story, inspiring too. Great job Chrandra.
Recent Ratings
  • themegababe Points +5 excellent review, seriously! i couldn' 11-6-2009 20:41


Hm, is there a trend about focusing on a character per show? If so, keep it up because I like it. I mean Arizona joined the cast to provide a possible love interest for Callie and so far she just stepped up for her or provided storylines for others. I'm glad she got to explain why what she does is different because she works for kids. Treating a kid, or any patient for that matter, over a long course of time of course means you cannot just see the kid as a patient but a person too. Wallace was special for her and it was tough for her to know that there was the money and the knowledge that surgery could kill him. It was interesting how strong she was whenever she was with the kid. Even in the morgue, did you notice she did not cry? Even though she cried in front of the chief last week, when she was with Wallace, she did not. Even at the end when she managed to do the spell to chase the bad dreams away. Which made ME tear up. Especially when the parents finally told the board creep to stop ass kissing. And decided to give the money nevertheless. Maybe because they too had to finally come to terms with the fact that Arizona was probably right when she said no more surgery for Wallace.
She may have lost Wallace but the money can mean she can help others.
Callie...... well, surprise parties, in my opinion, are never SUCH a great idea. I just knew she'd cry and break down. Imagine coming home after such a day and finding all your friends throwing confetti in your face. And how heartbroken Callie looked when she realized that it was a bad idea. And she was so insecure, had no idea if Arizona would kill her for that. WHen she woke up and frantically tried to recreate a party atmosphere. And how Arizona stopped her by saying I love you. Rewind a few seasons when she said I love you to George and for the life of it he could not say it back to her. How hurt she was. And now...... Arizona said it first, not her. Did you see the look on Callies face? Finally someone loves her without her having to put herself out first. I think those three words will do her good and heal some wounds of relationships past. And I must say that I love these two as a couple. Callie with the kick ass hardware surgeries (some gorey scenes there!) and Arizona saying the spell over Wallace. They're good for each other.
It was sad though that in a way all the couples looked happy in the episode except for Alex. I think it is so not fair that not only did she leave him and he has no idea if she's alive or not- no, there's medical bills and I think that is not a very grown up thing. Just because he married her, just because HE made her dream come true, after watching her DIE..... she's leaving him. He must feel like a total failure. But even at his lowest, he's Alex and he's not that hardcore. He'd spend all night holding the baby. It is interesting to notice he's still great with babies, reminds me of the time when he worked for Addie. And yes, Bailey is probably right, it would be an interesting specialty for him. And while I did not really like the Mercy West gal at first- after she so desperately wanted to hug him, today she did a better thing by just taking it slow and sit there with him. Good move.
But speakng of moves- Christina? Mercy West guy? Whoa. I just knew she'd go over Hunt's orders in the OR. Because she's Christina. If they don't find a cardio god for her soon she'll explode. Of course she felt like Hunt washolding her back and I also feared that Mercy West guy would hit on her. But the old Christina has changed too- I'm glad she did not do more- but it remains to be seen what Mercy West guy does once he's sober again.
I don't think he's a real threat. Didn't Christina always seem to fancy superiors? Her having an affair with one of her peers- don't know.
Right now I must say I enjoyed this episode and last weeks episode a lot. I hope it continues that way. I would enjoy more episodes focused on one person. I'd like something on Mark and Hunt or it would be interesting if someone new showed us the familiar characters through their eyes. The SGH and Mercy people seem to get used to each other and along with the interns there must be new doctors too to add to the cast. I for myself don't really miss the Mer/Der storyline. She's there, she's happy (for once) and that's enough. There are more in the cast who have interesting stories to tell and I enjoy them right now.
Recent Ratings
  • themegababe Points +3 Wow, another amazing post! We need more 11-10-2009 13:10


Well, this time it was not one person in focus but it was still a rather intense and sad episode. Gosh, didn't you just hate Izzie for just waltzing back like that? Especially when seeing Alex' face? In typical Shonda manner the pregnancy thing of course made for a great spoiler clip. I knew she could nto be pregnant and in a way it was interesting how the former teacher kept telling her she'd be a doctor someday- and we're not sure what will become of her, she is not an intern anymore and I wonder if she'll be back as a doctor.
It was sad to see Alex dreading the confrontation but good for him that in the end he managed to set her straight- her selfish talk about how Alex got her fired and that she just threw all their history and relationship away over one thing. And how wrong she was- it was good that Alex said it. But do you think these two will ever get back together again? I have my doubts.
Now... Christina and her gift. It was great. Teddy is so not what Christina had in mind when she asked for a cardio god but I like the two together. But I had a feeling that her and Owen had a thing for each other. And he clarified it before they kissed. I wonder if Christina did the right thing when she kissed the guy. Christina and her gift provided much needed comic relief and it was classic Christina when she bitched about everything inthe cafeteria. That was the old Christina. And I needed it because so many sad things dominated the episode.
Which brings us to the Chief. I knew he wasn't himself lately. So harsh, so stubborn and so wrong sometimes. Bailey tried to ignore it, manage the erratic behaviour but I think when he made the mistake in surgery she too realized that work-wife or whatever- it is beyond what she is capable to manage. I knew it could not be an affair and sigh, I had a feeling that he fell off the wagon. It is quite sad really. But it explains so much- all the scenes he saw in flashback- Izzie, the accident, the merger, the fight with Derek.
I think the merger and all the trouble at SGH, it was a signal for him to step down and hand things over to somebody else. But he stayed and he clearly could not manage by himself. And it is so sad that he's drinking again. And Mer as the one suspecting it. After having just donated part of her liver to her ex-alcoholic dad.
As happy as she seems to be with Derek- she was right when she wished for that brief moment when George wasn't dead, Izzie was ok.... that moment before all hell broke loose.
Do you think the Chief can be chief for very much longer? I have my doubts.


sigh.......... me too. I liked the Izzie past but the way things were last season and how she behaved now? Makes me kind of wish that George had lived and she had died.
As for Christina and her teacher, I think it was really interesting how Teddy taught her and had confidence- none of the other cardio gods really wanted to teach Christina. Hahn ignored her pretty much and with Burke she got to do so much because he needed her to cover up for the fact that he could not operate himself. So here there is one teacher who actually wants her to learn and it is good- and it was great fun to see all her blunders as she is not used to a hospital like SGH. And seeing Christinas horror!
Also interesting to get some insight into Owens past- he mentioned another girlfriend- and in a way it sounded like they too have unfinished business. Interesting. I think an episode centered around Owen might be interesting but it looks like Mark will be next.


Sigh........ I miss the show! It seems like the last episode aired ages ago. Can't wait for it to start again.


Reply 102#102 themegababe's post

I was hoping to get the season 5 box for the holidays myself- but in the end what got picked off my Amazon wishlist was the complete collection of Friends- not bad either. And since I did not really enjoy the Izzie storyline in season 5 anyway..... I'll wait until the price drops. Over here in Germany the box is always sold in two parts making it quite pricey. My DVD is set up for European format so.... I could get the US box cheaper but then I have to watch on the computer.


Wow. Lexie and Christina both kind of surprised me. I kind of suspected Christina's move but Lexie, not that much.


I guess that is one of the moment where the age difference shows- for Lexie at her age that would be a pretty normal reaction. But Mark has moved on, is a dad now and all that and for him there was more. And the way he was so ready to start a family with Addie in the crossover- all in all it looks like he has a totally different agenda than Lexie right now.


Reply 110#110 studiojek's post

Well, he's Sloane after all. I found it incredible how he suggested to Addison that they raise the baby together. Am I the only one thinking that he's confusing being a dad and being a grandpa? I did like them as a couple, but I think Lexie needs some time to get used to it all. I think Mark would want things to progress much faster than she'd prefer.
And Izzie and Alex- I was worried that it might break him but I think he has come through after all- he finally saw himself that he's not Alex the jerk but Alex the good man. He would never have walked away from sick Izzie. But now he can and while it was sad, it was also a major step for him. I just hope he won't fall into jerkdom again. Especially not with Lexie.......


Reply 112#112 themegababe's post

I have a strong feeling that Mark may end up with the baby and lil Sloane will vanish. I do hope he and Lexie can work it out, I do like them as a couple.
As for Christina and Owen-  for a surgeon I think it is an important decision because I know that for some of my friends who are doctors they had to decide between job and family life. For some it worked out, for some it is an ongoing tug of war.
Teacher training is a bit intense too and for me it was the job, until tenure. Now my personal life does return to something almost like normal. But in training I decided I had to learn as much as I could and always put it first to get to where I am now. For Christina it is harder than for Owen who has completed his training and for him, there is no need to have a good mentor. Christina knows pretty well what she could be capable of doing. Burke gave her a taste but also showed her the price of it. She paid a lot to do those surgeries for him.
And having no mentor or crappy ones for so long- she felt like her career was in danger. So when she was pushed I saw it coming that she'd offer Owen to Teddy.
Izzie......... I think she's back. I hope she fights for Alex. She has a lot of explaining to do about her absence and in a way she hasn't been normal for a while- I would not mind having Old Izzie back. But not "I see dead people Izzie".......


The past few episodes were not that bad- but it looks like they're gearing up for the finale already- how many episodes are left in the season? Was it 22 or 24?


I like the season so far- loved the way Mer dealt with that lovestruck intern- it was hilarious when she walked into Derek's office.
Mark's decision was a hard one but even *I* feel more comfortable knowing his daughter will not raise the little guy- she seemed so helpless, I think she needs to grow up first and in the end it was good someone told Mark it was not his son after all.
Now- the big breakup that we were promised for the finale? I don't think it is going to be Arizona and Callie because we all expect it after the last couple of episodes. I think the Christina/Owen/Teddy thing is more probably or- as the fallout... after all she's Mark's "Flavour of the Day" as Derek put it- could it be a break between MARK and DEREK? But I think it is going to be the Christina triangle. If she was to choose between Owen and Teddy? Or lose both in the end? She always says she puts cardio first but what if she does and then realizes that it wasn't it after all?
Personally, I'd find that more interesting than the Arizona/Callie thing.


But knowing SHonda and the writers we could all be SO wrong. Like the George thing- we all assumed he was going to enlist and that would be it and then........ 007.


Interesting episode- and Alex has come a very long way! Zoom back to the first episodes- who'd have thought that he could be the one who gets the guy to agree to the surgery? And how he signed the papers and THEN kissed Little Grey! Just like that. He's turned out to be a good guy. He has shown it in the Izzie drama but I for myself did worry he'd lose it after the whole return from the dead thing. Instead- he grew up and he's a good guy.
As for Christina- interesting that she did not go to Meredith with the whole breakdown. Why did she go to Owen? Because he showed her his personal drama and she feels he can handle it better?
Calliezona breakup- sweet and sad. But really over yet? Somehow I do not think this is final already. I am however sure that theirs is NOT the breakup announced for the finale. It could be Meredith and Christina. Somehow. Over the Owen/Teddy thing. If she tells Christina Owen did not do what she asked him to do?


not that bailey took great care at teaching that class in the first place!


yes- but somehow I only bought half of it and her joining that pool did not surprise me.


Hm- interesting setup for the finale. I am not too sure what Lexie is going to do. Her and Alex seem more natural together considering Lexies age. Mark made it pretty clear that he's looking for a family and marriage.
Bailey- great this episode. It was about time.......... she deserves to be singing in the elevator.
Meredith and Christina- still not sure the storm is over.
Owen/Christina/Teddy........ uh oh. I think I see a breakup coming. I can understand how Owen says he doesn't know where he stands. But I doubt he can ever fully let go of Teddy and that may be something Christina isn't going to take. But Teddy and the threesome? Interesting........
Arizona Callie......... they're so not over yet.


Originally posted by codebreaker at 5-16-2010 10:07  
Miranda and Ben humming the same song was amusing considering she didn't want anyone to know and Karev treating a troubled teenage patient whose parents brought her in for schizophrenia was great
Definitely another great elevator scene. Someone should make a video for youtube with all the elevator scenes.


They should do it themselves then- maybe include as an extra in the dvd boxed sets! I'd definitely enjoy it.

