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Secret Break General Discussion

Secret Break General Discussion

This is a very amusing game but bar just goes up way to Quickly  


I finally figured out how to do well in this game!! Sorry, had to share that information!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


this game cracks me up


This game is hilarious. It took me a few goes to figure out why he kept pinging off into the air

The funniest part is when he gets caught and the two guys look at each other


I have to mute it sometimes as I cant stop laughing


Reply 5#5 spratt89's post

Lol, I may have to start doing that now. I've tears in my eyes playing this, for laughing too much.


It really does make you laugh, the person who came up with this game must of been a funny person

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 12-28-2008 23:51 ]


Still do not understand how to play this game.


Reply 8#8 wuling's post

the aim is keep bar down when car comes across


Reply 8#8 wuling's post

Hopefully this will help:

1) As the cars/trucks etc go by, you "release" some air - You do this by pressing the space bar. You need to be careful not to press it for too long or the man beside you will hear you.

2) The "Cont" bar is the amount of air building up. If that goes up into the red, he will shoot off.

3) The "Ctrl" button is used to control the amount of air. You can use that to bring the air back down in the "Cont" bar, so it doesn't go into the red. You have to use this sparingly as when it's gone, you could be in trouble.

4) The more air you can "release" as the cars go by, the better. If you reach a certain level of air releasing, you win some more "Ctrl"

I think that's about it !! Good luck.


That should help loads of people


Thanks for your detailed help.


Reply 12#12 wuling's post

You're very welcome


I still find this game very funny, when I laugh I end up screwing up and having to start all over again.


Reply 14#14 spratt89's post

that why you switch the sound off


now i'm getting good score i couldn't past 20000 but it really depend cars that pass sometime you just get lucky

