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True Blood - Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Wow i still can't believe Tara and Sam that was disturbing. I really don't like Jesus because it look like Lafayette is getting a warning to stay away from him. I agree this episode set finale quite well.

I liked Eric plan but isn't he stronger than Eric so why couldn't be drag them back to the shade?.
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  • shinny Points +3 Tks for your TB comments :-) 9-13-2010 04:03


Reply 90#90 shinny's post

Yes i have to agree it was disappointing but there some moments i really enjoy like Bill trying bury Eric he should done a better job at least put sliver around his neck like he did to Russell. The clif-hanger of where sookie went was a bit lame we all know where she went but it will be interesting to see how any of them will find her.


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