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Reply 4#4 Jcena's post

I found I couldn't log into the regular VIP url today and tried the new url: and had no trouble.  You might try that.

If your problem persists please send a PM to Zhang explaining what has happened.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 6#6 Jcena's post

I have sent a PM in your behalf.  Please check your tracking to see if he has received/opened your PMs yet.  They will be in bold letters if he hasn't and in regular font if he has.  Also make sure not to tick the "save to inbox" option when sending a PM as it will not be sent to the recipient.  Zhang will not receive my PM until he logs in.  It is currently about 4:30am where he is, so it will be at least several hours.

Have you tried closing your browser and reopening it?  I don't know if that will help, but it's worth a try while you wait.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

