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Smallville Season 7-10 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 75#75 moppybrody's post

Still no concrete evidence -that only 1 movie


Reply 72#72 bala's post

The end bit confused me, were they blowing up their enemy's building (because they hate the new law) or they're blowing up their own building (because they want to hide that they really are against heroes?)


Reply 77#77 moppybrody's post

Well they were went after the anti-vigilante building because they are the for heroes (though in a more violent way than CK) the Suicide Squad consists of super power beings.


Reply 76#76 bala's post

what about the small speech he said when he xrayed the boy (or maybe just looked him over) in the bedroom near the end something like the son becomes the father and the father becomes the sun? hmmm okay so maybe not concrete but it's close enough... almost dried lol


Reply 78#78 sanggye's post

ahh okay... that explained the guy that made them vanish... must have blinked



This really was very strange episode of smallville i figured Tess was a Luthor.


Reply 81#81 bala's post

I don't think that it is very strange, but being an old comic book geek, I have been waiting for more of Darkseid, and Granny and her Furies were a nice surprise.  I also kind of figured Tess was in some way a Luthor.

You know seeing Jor-el again and og course Lara-El, I had a realization, how could 2 Blonds have a dark hair child   Now that is a bit strange (or dying hair was common on Krypton)


Tom welling is directing next episode "Patriot" looks really cool from the clips.



Well nice episode so AC has a wife who also happen share the same powers as him. Clark trying keep Lois in the dark backfired and now she knows about watchtower.


Reply 84#84 bala's post

Nice seeing AC again.  Mera, his wife doesn't have the same powers, her only power is the control of water, though like him, heat (drying out) hurts her.  In the comics, she is from the water dimension.

Seeing Michael Hogan was a bonus, though he played Slade Wilson, exactly like Col. Tigh , Even ending up with only 1 eye, I guess this is the beginning of being Deathstroke.

Love seeing more superheroes and villians from the comics.  Darkseid is pulling up a whole list of them
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Reply 85#85 sanggye's post

Im with you. Bringing out the DC villains makes for a great storyline. Loved Mera (Obvious reasons) gave Lois a run for her money.
Deathstroke will be interesting, he dont mince his words
The terminator is back....



Good episode and Clark learn that Tess is a Luther but what would made this episode so much better if they had got Micheal Roseburg to come back as Lex would of really made this episode better.  


Reply 87#87 bala's post

I thought it was a good episode, loved seing a dark side of Clark even if it really was not him. Tess looked hot in this episode as usual and I bet it was weird for them two to kiss after working so long together. ringing Lionel back is a stroke of genius, always loved the evil Lionel and now we have a truley evil version. I wonder if Lionel will have anything to do with the darkness or maybe he will turn out to be an ally in the end like the other Lionel.

Theres a quiz on this weeks episode so grab some points for next weeks installment


Reply 88#88 casper27's post

They are actors so i wouldn't think it was too difficult



Well I have to say not what I was expecting but Slade return was great but what did Clark do to him with metal device he was holding?. What a strange way to end the episode with all unconscious.


Reply 90#90 bala's post

Was a strange way to end really, it must have something to do with the crystal that came out of the ground or maybe something to do with hawkman been reborn???
I think Clark sent Slade to the Phantom Zone with the crystal but didn't the crystal get destroyed in "Phantom" when he was fighting Bizarro?? So where did the crystal come from??


Reply 91#91 casper27's post

Exactly there really didn't explain that and flashback with chole was really strange


Reply 92#92 bala's post

Well you never know she could come back and explain it herself very soon???


Reply 93#93 casper27's post

Yeah shame wait 3 or more weeks for that


Reply 94#94 bala's post

Well done in the quiz by the way. Hopefully more will enter this week seen as its the last one in a while.

