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Desperate Housewives Season 1-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Desperate Housewives Season 1-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Discuss Anything About Desperate Housewives Here

[ Last edited by spratt89 at 3-13-2015 04:48 ]


I can't believe Tom thinks Lynette is cheating on him!


things would go beyond our ecpectations , you know .


exactly.... Did you think that was going to happen?


Looks good, I can't wait for it. Susan in the forset seems quite funny!


OMFG, gonna kick ass : D


yeah! i can't wait for Lynette!DON'T CHEAT LYNETTE JUST DON'T!


I have enjoyed it quite nicely.

I think season 3 is great. It might be a bit jumpy because of certain unexpected events (ie: Marcia Cross being pregnant) which they had to work around. Besides the normal script and plot changes such an event would cause they even had to set up a few sets at her house because she was put on bed rest for the latter part of her pregnancy. For instance the scene with her and Orsen when they are in bed lying down talking.

I admit certain episodes seemed like the tried to put a lot into it to make everything work and tie it together while over focusing some issues because of certain physical issues with the characters (mainly Marcia lol).

But overall I think they pulled this season off quite well and gave us a few smiles and laughs along the way.  And yes there were some excellent episodes in there like "Bang".

&&& I CANT WAIT FOR THE SEASON FINALE! I think Gabby and Victor's wedding wont go through and as for the "surprise" wedding I think its going to be Mike and Susan... but I don't know if that will be much of a surprise since I think we all know it's bound to happen! LOL or at least so I'm hoping.

Maybe Carlos crashes Vic and Gabby's wedding and they get re-married?? LOL THATS A LONG SHOT.



I've done this deal with myself to stop reading spoilers (it really spoils everything) but i know something major about what's going to happen at Vic and gabby's wed. I think Mike and Susan get married (i hope for it anyway). The next episode looks great. Did you see the promo videos i put?


Seriously all of you guys, do you think she will cheat?


Yes I saw them! Thanks for posting them I had only scene the one where Lynette was crying. I'm so anxious to see tonight's episode. I've got it set to a timer and already told my hubby the TV is mine at 9! LOL


I seriously hope she doesn't. But trying to piece the episode promos together I think she wont well I can say at least in this episode because Tom will see it all from the video camera and from that one shot when he comes in and is talking to her I think he'd be more upset if he really caught her doing anything. I think he'll jump to that conclusion when he first sees it but she will explain. However if anything I think she might kiss what's his face. I know the episode guides have been saying that Lynette finds out she loves another man. But you know how you cant always take what it says at face value. The like to throw little twists.

But in all honesty Tom and Lynette's relationship has been through so much this season, it feels like they are just setting us up for something bad to happen. =/


lol you're lucky, me it passes on wednesday at 11 pm but i am watching it tomorrow on !!!


Aww thats too bad, oh but wait if you access to you can catch it there tonight after it first airsI believe. Here's the link just in case:

Once there you click watch it now and then launch the player and scroll over to desperate housewives and choose the episode on the far right.  It's free and the picture quality is perfect!

Its pretty much commercial free aslo, well way less than you see from the tv. You get like a 30 second commercial 3 or so times for the entire show.


I don't live in America so I can't


I LOVED IT, especially Susan's storyline! (MIKE!!!)

I LOOOOOVED THIS EPISODE! I didn't even notice Bree had left for the first time. I must be used to it!!!!! Anyway at last MIke and Susan are together! Lynette and Tom are sure to be a strong couple! Victor was a bit mean to Gabby but she did deserve it!!!!!!
what did you think???


Reply #10 xxjujuxx's post

This was a great episode. I mean did you see Felicity Huffman's performance especially what happened with Rick when she told him to leave. Wow.

And I loved it when Tom told that sleaze to buzz off! A lot of people have been ragging on Tom. I don't care I still love him! I mean they have both done certain things that has tested their relationship, but those test are what shows the strength of a relationship. I'd be very sad to see this relationship come to and end.        

On another note Mike and Susan are cute as always. I'm pretty sure there the ones that will get married but I think the have something in store for them in the next season! Especially with Mike's brother coming to Wisteria.

As for Gabby she got me a little upset in this one. By no means was that guy not a jerk and I cant believe how he bruised her wrist, but sometimes she really gets in there and pushes peoples buttons. Its sort of the same thing that happened in her relationship with Carlos. Don't get me wrong I like her lil spunk, it's just sometimes she can be a little too cruel or rather unthoughtful. I really wish she didn't loose her baby or at least that the adoption could have stuck. IMO she needs someone like Carlos! Some one that bring her back to reality every once in a while. But I guess this is all that makes Gabby Gabby. Take it or leave it you got to lover her for who she is.

By the way I for one did notice that Bree's been gone for the last two episodes. I miss her! I cant wait for her to get back even tho it wont be until the last episode!

So did you see the sneak peak for the next episode? Here's a link just in case:
   It only takes a minute to change your life... | PAUSE |   


Some of your favorite and most memorable quotes...

What were some of your favorite and most memorable quotes from this episode?

Carlos: Bros before ho's!        

Susan: I promise there wont be anymore drama. Unless I get eaten by a mountain lion, but that wouldn't be my fault.  
   It only takes a minute to change your life... | PAUSE |   


Reply #11 janenjab's post

OMG i'm speechless !!! WHAT's WITH LYNETTE? DO YOU THINK SHE'S SICK????????? OMG OMG!!! i love the music and Edee's pregnant? omg omg best promo everrrr!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOu're great!


Reply #12 janenjab's post

Yeah that's sooo funny. Your signature is so true, did you watch sliding doors? That film is about that. it's really cool! ok back to the current subject!!!

Vern: I can't believe one dress could cost so much.
Gabrielle: Well, I want to look fabulous tonight when Victor's elected mayor.
Vern: Yeah, but isn't it bad luck to buy a dress for a victory party before the election?
Gabrielle: Vern, focus. It's never bad luck when I look fabulous.

