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Psych Season 1-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part

Well finally he told her


We'd Like to Thank the Academy

Well it was never good idea to have Shawn and Gus in role in the police academy thinking it was like the movie


The Polarizing Express

Nice Christmas episode but it was all in his head what it would be like without him done for comedy purpose,  shame they decided to go comedy aspect rather treat it seriously.


Dead Bear Walking

It was funny seeing a polar bear in the office


Reply 14#14 spratt89's post

Yes it was nice way but i can't believe it was her father


Shawn Rescues Darth Vader

Well Shawn reveal he loves her was quite amusing


Reply 3#3 sanggye's post

Well i liked how he beat the lie dector thanks to his dad teaching him.


Last Night Gus

Well that was a great episode but Gus taking down bad guy while drugged was quite amusing.


This Episode Sucks

A vampire episode but poor carlton has no luck with women but sweet ending saying he will wait for her


Reply 8#8 codebreaker's post

Yeah i thought same thing


The Amazing Psych Man & Tap-Man, Issue #2

Nice episode but hero being a bad guy was surprise they really can't allow Shawn and Gus team being outshines.


Reply 13#13 sanggye's post

Yeah that was a great line


Reply 16#16 sanggye's post

Well there really explored everything with Shawn


In For a Penny...

Well meeting Julie father was great and we find out background about her childhood but it was nice that he was there at all her major event even through she didn't know about it.


Reply 19#19 sanggye's post

Yes he was great


The Tao of Gus

Trust Gus fall for a crazy person but those were some close calls


Neil Simon's Lover's Retreat

Well i can't believe Gus allows Shawn to use his card you would think he would know better i mean why in god name is he friend with him since he doesn't get paid for the work he does. I will never understand this relationship between these two. This was good season finale and we know why he was so upset about the PS2 that got stolen and it really had two great guest stars as thieves


Reply 24#24 sanggye's post

Yeah i do watch shows in high speed well to be honest it more like a tv marathon .

I understand about friendship they had since they were kids but seriously if i had a friend like that i would get rid of him. I know Shawn loves winding him up but at some point you would think he would have enough of what he has done to him. I forgot they get paid to consult by the police department but that doesn't explain what happen Gus other job as pharmacy drug consultant which i am guessing pays him more. Gus doesn't need Shawn but Shawn needs Gus


Heeeeere's Lassie

Well this was rather crazy and strange episode but i have to say i knew who the bad person was from start there's no way a person can that happy all the time but that slow motion fall was rather anti-climated.


Shawn and the Real Girl

Well trust Shawn to become a constant in reality programme

