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One Tree Hill Season 5-9 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

having the actors play closer to their age is an incredible improvement. the first two episodes were great. we can see how we missed the nathan "situation" in the fast forward mini-episodes because he moves on the couch, but it was obvious from the first second in 5x01 with the camera angle and him not moving. besides the haley-nathan bit, which we can't stand (and yes, that kid is too cute!) all the other story lines are very engaging.

we love tvland. in real life people never have "reawakenings" at the same time but all the characters moving toward redemption together here sounds like it's going to be fun.
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


ditto most everything on ep 5x10
here is our rant:
aarrgh! why can’t tv writers ever write a married woman who isn’t a cliché! what mother could hold her child who had nearly drowned and think that she would be able to raise that child on her own? and haley is smart enough to realize that carrie is a total psycho! she shows up at jamie’s school and haley wouldn’t be circling the wagons trying to protect her son and husband – we don’t think so! plus a kiss? haley is mad because nathan didn’t tell her “everything”, but he told her there was flirting and inappropriateness and we’re supposed to believe that haley would be furious enough to ask for a divorce because she believes psycho carrie saying that nathan initiated the kiss rather than her own husband and father of her child saying he was kissed? puh-lease! and this season started so well! double aarrgh!

and we totally agree with bala that they shouldn't be manipulating the jamie angle in such horrible ways!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


blegh, carrie, dan, and victoria can just be dropped in a volcano somewhere! and bevin! ewww!

yes, yes, yes that little kid is so cute and the bunny scene when he's laughing at scaring skills is the most hilarious! he is so adorable!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


dan better?! what are you guys talking about? he threatened to kill another person! (even if it was a psycho!) i STILL would never want him around my child! just because one violent maniac saves a kid from another insane maniac, that doesn't make him a good person! and who sprays cologne on their hand? plus could they have made him any creepier than with that off-tune whistle?

"it’s a mystery who you fall in love with, why you fall in love with them" – oh, please! what an idiot! couldn't a minister find anything more important to say?!

"never tear us apart" as the psycho woman song? why are they trying to ruin inxs for us  but EXCELLENT use of a bugs bunny cartoon!

and shut up already haley and get your family back together again!

lindsey gave her rings back twice? bizarre.
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me

