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One Tree Hill Season 5-9 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

so i just want to mention that "pulling a nanny carrie" has now become an action...seriously though we had these adorable little kids come trick-or-treating the day before halloween on campus and people would say how cute they are and how they just want to steal the little kids and stuff like that, and a line similar to, "but i'm not nanny carrie" is always thrown in after even people who don't watch the show understand.  It's like the "go brooke yourself" line, the writers are creating their own OTH language lol


One Tree Hill 6x09

This was another good episode   Lucas find the photo


Preview clips


Why does Nathan keep on getting pushed through windows? Sheesh. I saw it coming from the look on that guy's bitter face, but still, that was a pretty shocking scene. And I was really starting to like Slamball! I'm glad Nathan's fine though. I don't think I could sit through another Nathan Scott injury.

"Gold. Godiva. Gucci. Gerber." Brooke cracks me up almost every episode. She definitely has the best lines on the show. Oh, that scene where Sam put the "FREE FOOD" sign in the vending machine...."You're a good mom, Brooke. You're a good mom."    Anyway, I wasn't a huge Brooke and Owen fan in the beginning, but I'm kind of starting to like Owen. First, because he helps Nathan during Slamball (). Second, he genuinely seems like a good guy. And he brought Brooke gifts for three weeks straight! That should say something.   

I really don't like Julian. He definitely seems like he has some kind of agenda behind making An Unkindness of Ravens into a movie. I mean, you don't just go from loathing a book that cost you to break up with someone you loved to loving the book and wanting to make it the best movie ever, without having some sort of secret motive.

Mia's back next week!


One Tree Hill 6x10

Another great episode hailey voice was amazing I'm so glad Lucas punch Julian and i like this episode has different feel which is surprising it can do one-off episode like this . the songs were actually quite good i don't know whether the voices were real or not. Miley is massive trouble maker for mouth she play him like he is. It was nice to Quetin again even if he wasn't real


Preview of next episode

Sorry i'm not going post it because it's special episode and i don't ruin the surprise first 8 minute are on youtube.


Reply 161#161 bala's post

I agree Haley has an amazing voice!  I have some of her songs on my iPod.  It was nice to see a little bit of Mia again and Q as well.  I too am glad Lucas punched Julian, but I also hope Luke does the movie because well his book is supposed to be really good and would probably make a good movie (haha his book into a movie would be the show ) anyway even though Julian is who he is, Lucas should let that hurt his career.  I mean he worked with Lindsay after leaving her so why not work with Julian?


I mean he worked with Lindsay after leaving her so why not work with Julian?
That's different he like her and he doesn't like him .


Reply 164#164 bala's post

but business doesn't have to be about who you like or don't like.  He doesn't have to like Julian, Julian just has to do his part of the job and Lucas his and other than interacting professionally they don't have to really like each other.


Reply 165#165 imarielle626's post

yes your right but it's easier said than done


Next week's episode looks...interesting. Chad Michael Murray wrote it... It looks interesting, but slightly confusing (since I don't think the characters will have the same relations...)

"Hey Lucas, how are you?"
"*punch* Okay." Best scene EVER.  Hahah, I'm glad Lucas punched Julian too. Julian really seems like an ass. But for the book's sake, I hope Lucas decides to put aside their differences and work on the movie. That is an interesting point Arielle -- the movie version would be everything from season 1-4 or so of the show.

I like the new Brooke and Sam friendship. Brooke's not the kind of person to just throw someone out, so I don't think Sam has anything to worry about -- even with that phone call to the adopting agency person.

It was nice to see Quentin again. I wonder what Nathan will do now. Return to Slamball? Or something else?

Ugh, Gigi. She's so...argh. I don't have adjectives for her. She gets on my nerves. That's all. Haha.


I'm not going to put any spoilers in for you guys since the show hasn't been put up on here... but I thought it was really cheesy and not very good. Chad needs to stick to acting............


Reply 168#168 dannixx's post

Hahaha.. Oh my gosh.. I said the exact same thing after I saw the episode.. I'm not going to comment about the story of the episode yet as not to spoil it for the others, but I will say that not one of the actor's is able to act or speak as if they were in the 1940s.. bad acting from most of them..


so I'm going give this a miss than


Strange episode


Dawson appears on OTH



That made me lol.


Reply 174#174 dannixx's post

it's going to be interesting having him as a different character.


One Tree Hill 6x12

Wow what an episode i honestly don't know where to start, i mean the ending left us with so many question but this episode answer to who attack brooke. Jamie performance was cute and adorable. Nathan i really hope he get it. Killing Hailey off , does peyton have cancer?. so much expecting a happy ending

