Gypsy Super Moderator
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Small Post at 10-21-2007 20:41 Author Only
VIP Help!! ~ RealPlayer Troubleshooting Help
Timing out, Invalid Errors
Loading, Communicating & Buffering,
Losing Points and other
Easy Real Player Tips!
Most Real Player problems, are simple and can be fixed with in this thread
First follow these three rules:
1. Make sure you are watching in Real Player or Theater mode.
2. Make sure this isn't the show you are watching, try to watch other shows, using the Free Shows on the VIP Channel (so you don't lose points) if it is the show you are watching click HERE and report your problem.
3. Refresh your browser (try again), close your browser (try again), shut off computer (try again).
~To play in RP or RP Theater mode~ after you click on hyperlink (episode), and the player pop-up window pops up (with the program in it), click on the in the lower right hand corner (some people have to right-click), then choose 'Play in Real Player' or 'Play in Real Player Theater Mode'.
You should ALL know, you should be using Internet Explorer and Google Chrome as your browser or Safari for Mac. Firefox has some compatible problem with Realplayer, please don't use it to visit
If you are having problems, with Real Player 11, do a " clean uninstall" and go to Real Player version 10.5 and reinstall this version. Most members have few problems and, a better picture with this version.
Vista Users- If you are having difficulty, with Real Player 11 & 10.5. Do a "clean uninstall" and try downloading Real Player Alternative You can also download K-lite Mega Codec Pack. Click here for info on this package. Or go to K-lite Mega Codec Pack to download directly. K-lite Mega codec pack includes Real Alternative codecs, along with many other A/V codecs (including Quick Time Alternative)
Clean uninstall..... After you uninstall RP, you will see a pop-up after you uninstall RP, that it was unable to remove some of the RP files. If all of the files are not removed it can cause many problems, some very small, some very bothersome. So it's best, to do a "clean uninstall". To do that, first go to Start> go to Control Panel> go to Add & Remove Programs> scroll to Real player> then uninstall Real Player, close Control Panel
Go to Start> to My Computer> to C-Drive> to Program Files> to "Real" & (R-click on "Real" and delete the file).
Then while you are still in Program Files double click on Common Files> to "Real" & (R-click on the "Real" file and delete the file). Then reinstall a fresh RP.
Time Outs Invalid Errors
Make sure you are playing in RP, and have followed the other rules, these will help decrease the Timing out and Invalid errors (gray screen). Also, if you are getting Error messages (gray screen) you can just hit the stop button and click on play to re-start the program, this will keep you from losing points.
Parameter Setting Error: Most times, you just need to close the pop-up box and refresh your page for this.
If this doesn't solve the issue, open the Real player program (from your pc) then click on File> click Open> then type in "" and click OK. You should be able to, view and play shows, through the Real Player web browser.
***With some errors (that you get in first pop-up window), you can still click on the icon (lower right) and play in Real Player or Real Player theater mode, without any difficulties.***
For further help see, Changing Real Player Settings (at the bottom)
Point Deduction: You have 30x (clicks on the hyperlink) per episode, in 24hrs: Before point's will be deducted again.
Losing Points Due to Error's or Malfunction
If you have lost points in error or due to any malfunction, you can send a copy of your viewing history to lbjedward (one of our Admins),via PM and he will be happy to help you, get back all the points you lost and with any other questions you might have. Just got to the home page of, in the upper right corner you will find the "Members Center" and in the members center you will find your "Viewing History" 5th down, in the left hand column, click on it and it will display your entire viewing history.
Again, Make sure you're in a RP mode, when it starts to load, hit the pause button and let it load for 15mins or so, till it's about 50% loaded. You will be able to tell it's loading by the green or blue, "clip position" bar at the bottom of screen. This should make it so you can view your program.
Tips for all of the above and more.....
If you had more than a few programs open, during or just before the problem started, follow rule #4.
If it's not and this continues to happen, try watching during different times of the day, congestion of the site can cause several problems, from Timing out, Invalid Errors, to loading and communicating & buffering problems.
However, there will always be a very few people, that unfortunately will not be able to fix there problems as easy as this. You may have to, change your Real Player Settings.
Change your Real Player Settings
- Sometimes, Real Player settings need to be configured, so they work with your computer...... .
If you need further assistance, go to Real Player Troubleshooting Tips or for MAC MAC OS X RealPlayer Troubleshooting Guide (Solutions &Tips), where there will be instructions, on configuring Real Player, to your computer.
If not, you can always come back and post a question here, or go to our Live CS for the most advanced help we offer. If they are off-line make sure you leave a message and someone will always get back to you.
[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 11-2-2011 19:03 ]