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The girly`s ......giggle box

One slice, extra sauce..............Coming your way!!


Reply #481 gypsiegirl66's post

Mmm, yummy...I can smell it from here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


That's some nose you got on you, I think it's just over Ohio now. Not to worry it will still be warm, I used one of those heat bags like Pizza Hut uses........


Reply #483 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks...I'm in the mood for something sweet.  And yes, my nose is champion when it comes to sniffing out yummy stuff.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #484 waterlilybarb's post

Well, if you like sweet then this will definitely tickle those taste buds!! Mmmmm, mmmmm, good!


Reply #485 gypsiegirl66's post

My mouth is watering already!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #486 waterlilybarb's post

Well I hope you enjoy  Oh, thanks for the little pep talk, I think I'm finally in the right direction  Whew............


Reply #487 gypsiegirl66's post

I will...actually, it makes me feel like having a real treat, but it's too hot to bake. <me sweating
On the other front, glad to hear it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #488 waterlilybarb's post

You're in Canada and you're telling me (in Florid) that it's too hot to bake. <me baking
How hot could it be up there??


Reply #489 gypsiegirl66's post

With the humidity today it's about 95 degrees, not as bad as it has been...there's actually a breeze tonight.

Canadian Idol is on now, so I'm logging out.  Catch you either later tonight or tomorrow.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #490 waterlilybarb's post

I hope Canadian Idol was good, I'll be here for a while. My daughter is in school in Vancouver, she just transferred there from Simmons in Boston.


Where's my cake? And I get migraines as well. I always have atleast 3 bottles of excedrine and an expresso ready with the peptobismol. and a hot shower. Crazy I know but it works and I can't be out of commision. I might not be able to drive or watch TV or sleep but I can be up. lol


Reply #492 gabsimom's post

How do you want it, a big slice w/ sauce (lot or little).
Well, we could have our own little migraine support group right here and proably help each other, a lot more than any Dr, has!!


I will take a small slice and you decide on the sauce. I just cut off some of my hair to help aleviate some of the problem. It has helped alot. Oh and I don't talk to mean people or idiots because everyone knows they cause most migraines.


Reply #494 gabsimom's post

Okay then, one small piece of cake (sauce on the side), coming right up!!
Oh how right you are about the mean peep's and idiot's. I've always said that my biggest pet peeve is stupidity.


Reply #495 gypsiegirl66's post

That's one of my pet peeves too.  I can tolerate ignorance, but NOT stupidity.
What made your daughter choose Vancouver?  Was she desperate to meet the SG Atlantis team or maybe the gang from Battlestar Galactica?  They both film in and around Vancouver.

Hey Tina, I know caffeine can help a migraine (my meds have caffeine in if I take them I can't drink coffee),  but Pepto?  Does it help with your nausea?  I find it makes me feel pukey.   I do take an anti-nauseant, it's called Gravol here.  Heat just makes things worse for me, so a hot shower is out.  I use ice packs, and if I can manage it, I wet my hair down with water as cold as I can bear.  The one plus I have on my side is I don't have any little ones running around.  On bad days, I just hibernate in the darkest quietest place I can find...even if it takes a sleep mask and ear plugs to achieve.  Having a small child must make it tough when a banger hits.  I'm an Auntie, so I can send them home if I start to feel too rough.

Aren't we a fun bunch.  I wonder what Gary thinks of this place now?    Bet he's glad he finally ceded the place to me when he pokes his nose in now.

BTW, the cake was FABULOUS Gypsie.  I'll have to get the recipe.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #496 waterlilybarb's post

I too am not a coffee drinker, once in a blue moon I get a craving for a cappuccino. I take BC Powder's mostly, but I do have other med's for them. I actually use both heat and ice, I use  ice packs on my head and neck. Then I take the moist heat (that I heat in microwve) and alternate it with the pack on my neck.
LOL Barb, us girls have got Gary out numbered, you, Tina and me. There's way too much estrogen in here, for just about any man.


Reply #496 waterlilybarb's post

Really? I am pretty much the opposite. Stupidity sometimes can't be helped, ignorance can always be helped with knowledge.

And I don't go anywhere without my Pepto.
"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting."
E. E. Cummings


Gotta have pepto to get the meds. down. I usually catch it before I get to that point. I can feel them coming. Stupid  Gou'ald trying to get control of us.


Reply #498 silver1978's post

I can tolerate ignorance because people can learn and change.  Stupidity, to my way of thinking, is not just a lack of understanding, but the lack of desire to gain it.  That's why I can't stand stupidity.

p.s. Who changed the title of the thread?  I couldn't find it at first.  I had thought maybe Gary deleted or moved it just to be a brat.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

