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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3661#3661 babysexylexy's post

I think that I've become too familiar with americanisims as I know what Chick-Fil-A is !!!!


Reply 3687#3687 waterlilybarb's post

My sister in law suffers with migraines, not nearly as bad as you get them Barb. She normally gets them about once a month or so. Her father suffered with them for years and then he was struck down with ME. I remember her telling me that herself and her siblings just have a memory of their Dad, when they were all younger, being in bed for years because the ME was so bad. I think he had it for about 10 years. Anyway, one day he literally woke up and it was gone. He still gets the migraines from time to time but not as badly as they were when he was younger and before he got the ME. The Dr's reckon his body just needed time out and it took it. It's mad to think it because to look at him now he's fighting fit. He probably has more energy than I do!!!


Reply 3689#3689 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, that is interesting that you also have ME/CFS Barb. I must ask my sister in law some more about her Dad and see what his migraines were like during this time.


Ok I can give you the low down on all things Marmite and Vegemite, lol. I loved Marmite when I was younger and still eat it occasionally. Just an FYI, Marmite produced in the UK is Gluten Free but otherwise you need to be careful. Vegemite is not Gluten Free so you wouldn't be able to eat it anyway.

Because we've a lot of Aussie's living in Ireland you can buy Vegemite very easily here. There is definitely a difference in the taste of the two, with Vegemite not being as strong.

However, the secret to eating Marmite is to literally smear a very small piece on bread/crackers etc. If you spread it like you would jam, your mouth will probably close up from the shock.

Marmite is packed with complex B vitamins which are very good for you, but it also has a lot of sodium in it and as such you should take it sparingly if you need to watch your sodium levels.

To recap:

If you spread it like this, your taste buds will probably up and leave you:

Spread it like this and they will remain your friend:

Barb, I'm afraid you can blame your Irish gene's on this. Ireland has one of the highest prevalence of Coeliac Disease in the world.


Reply 3708#3708 waterlilybarb's post

Yeh, they reckon that wheat intolerence stems from the same thing.. I'd love to know what causes it! We have a high rate of wheat intolerence here too. I used to think that's what I had but since my appendix came out I have no problem so it was just that. It was intermitant too which wouldn't be standard for food intolerence so it makes sense it was my appendix.

[ Last edited by shinny at 1-15-2011 23:11 ]


Reply 3713#3713 waterlilybarb's post

Exactly, if you don't experiment you'll never know what works well together and what doesn't!!


Reply 3717#3717 studiojek's post

I've managed to pick up a bad cold but I didn't get the cough thankfully (well, not yet!) - My Dad had the cold about a week and a half ago and he's still got the cough too. It's driving him mad that it's lingering. Hopefully it will go soon and you'll be back to normal.


Reply 3721#3721 waterlilybarb's post

Oh that's so cute. I wish I could have that delivered, lol. Thanks Barb!

Thanks Studio, feeling a little better in the last hour or so. I ventured out today to get a few bits in. I took a spin down in the car, got a few bits and I'm back home now with a nice fire blazing!!

I bought some apple cider vinegar when I was out as i heard it's good for chest colds. I mixed it with warm water so it wasn't too hard to drink. I think it may have helped, not sure yet though!!!


Reply 3722#3722 studiojek's post

Haha I know, me too!


Well I had to take a trip to the Dr this morning because I woke up this morning feeling worse when I should have turned the corner and be on the mend. I was more worried it might be swine flu or something! But, it's just a good old fashioned chest infection. I had to go on antibiotics much to my dismay. I hate to take them but the Dr said I had an infection in my left lung that I wasn't going to get rid of myself. I'm not sure if they are making me feel worse or not but I feel really lousy at the moment! I'll be grand in another few days I'd say.

Lol Sanggye, I'd say they don't nor vampires, lol!!


Thanks everyone, woke this morning feeling a little better so the antibiotics have kicked in. I did feel awful after taking them inititally, but I know that's normal. I'd say I'll be fighting fit in a few more days!!


Reply 3733#3733 studiojek's post

Thanks for that Studio. Will try and see if I can get something tomorrow


Thanks Barb, yeh my Auntie has already been telling me to take some acidophilus. I believe it's best to take it a few days after you stop taking the antibiotics as the gut is still clearing the good and bad out!!

LOL at Hugh. The Aussie's are always trying to convince people that Vegemite is worth a try!!

Hey Meg, good to hear from you!


Reply 3743#3743 waterlilybarb's post

I can't remember that Barb, must have missed it. Sure I wouldn't be able to make it anyway, with it being chocolate based. You'll have to put up a pic if you get a second. Be interested to see it!! Can you believe it's been over 2 years since I've eaten chocolate? Where does the time go?

On that note, I was only thinking today that it will be the 10th anniversary of September 11th this year. I cannot get my head around that!! I know everyone remembers where they were when it happened.


Just checking in. How's everybody keeping?


Reply 3750#3750 waterlilybarb's post

Let's hope the good day comes sooner so


Hey Studio. Glad to hear your little lady is on the mend. You and your hubbie need to take it easy now, where you can!

Barb, that sounds rough. It's good that you have someone who can get you what you need without too much instruction. Good idea to get off the computer though as I know that can make it worse!


Hello Gals and some Guys!

I'd say that time can't come fast enough Barb!

I've had a hectic few weeks/months and things have been busy in work plus on top of that I'm getting used to having a new boss. My old boss retired at the end of last year and it's been strange adjusting to someone's elses style.

I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend. Next week is Easter and so we have a few days holidays which I'm looking forward to.


Reply 3770#3770 bala's post

No, they were promoted but I wouldn't have worked much with them before.


Reply 3772#3772 studiojek's post

Eek, that's never a good thing. I hope everything works out for you.

