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The girly`s ......giggle box

Maybe i should stay outta here, all the flu germs flying around. Lol !! Believe me, I had my fair share of it last year.

Hope you all feel better soon


Reply 2735#2735 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, that's all very understandable. I mean, when you are not well it really helps to have services like home deliveries etc. How long more of winter do you have?

I hate to tell you this but Spring is well underway here. We've had lovely sunny, mildly warm days the past week or so !! All my Mam's daffodils are out, much to the delight of my nephew who helped to plant some of them a couple of years back. He proudly tells everyone that he planted them when they bloom each year.

Come and live in Ireland (if you don't mind the odd day of rain )

[ Last edited by shinny at 2-25-2009 22:06 ]


Reply 2740#2740 studiojek's post

Every time I look at it Studio, it makes me laugh. I just think it's so funny because you can actually see him puckering up to kiss her and she turns her head. It's a classic moment alright!!


Reply 2741#2741 waterlilybarb's post

My nephew once asked me why we don't hibernate...... I'm just thinking, in your situation Barb, it's a pity we don't !!

I hope you get out ok and get in enough to tide you over until you are feeling better


Hey Studio. Good to see you back. I can imagine that it's a hard slog alright.

Well my news of the day is that I just became an Auntie again for the 6th time!! My sister in law in Australia had another little baby girl, so we are all dead chuffed.


Reply 2788#2788 studiojek's post

Lol, no. She and my brother have one little girl already, who is just 3. My older brother has three boys (twins + 1) and my sister has a little boy too. So 4 boys, 2 girls. They are calling her Ciara, which is an old Irish Name. Pronounced like Keira Knightly does, not like the Singer Ciara, who incidentally, pronounces it incorrectly as Sierra!!


Hey Barb, was just in the middle of replying and saw your new message. Yes, Ciaran is the male version of Ciara. Yep, she has black hair like her Auntie !!


Reply 2793#2793 serena75's post

Hey, congratulations right back at you


Reply 2797#2797 waterlilybarb's post

That's brilliant news Barb. One thing sorted


Thanks Studio !! That's great maternity leave. In Ireland, we get 26 weeks Paid leave and then a further 16 weeks unpaid (if you can afford it!!). There are also "parental" days that can be taken + holiday leave so most people here will be gone for almost a year on maternity leave, or at least the paid leave + holidays + parental leave, which is really great.

My sister had her first baby soooo fast. She decided to wait and see if she'd have an epidural on the day, but my nephew came so fast that she never got the choice. She actually sat an exam that morning and was in the maternity hospital visiting another friend when her waters broke. She got to the hospital at 2.30pm and had my nephew by 6.00pm!

Some are long and some are fast and I guess you don't know what you'll get until the day!!


Reply 2805#2805 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks Gypsy


Reply 2813#2813 waterlilybarb's post

Poor Barb, I hope you manage to get some sleep. I know that will definitely help with everything that is going on. Just think though, this time next month, you will, most likely, be home!


Hey girlie, happy birthday!!


Hey all, just logged on for a few minutes to say hi from a VERY HOT New York. Yes, the heat wave is all just for us!! It was 92 F today with extremely high humidity. It started the day we arrived and will drop by 20 deg day we go home, lol!

I'm not complaining though, I'm just happy to be here.

Catch up with you all next week.


Hey all !!

Barb, that's great that you made it and are settling into your new place. Lol at the borrowed wifi. I bought an I-Pod Touch when I was state side and I plan to "borrow" wifi wherever I find it!!

Haha Tina, you are funny!!!


Reply 2899#2899 waterlilybarb's post

Good to hear Barb, sounds like you are getting yourself well and truly sorted.

I went to the Cinema this evening and we decided to watch 17 again. I didn't think I'd like it, but it was a really good movie. I had several laugh out loud moments!! I've never seen Zac Efron act before and he's pretty good. I can see why all the young girls go crazy for him !!


Reply 2904#2904 gabsimom's post

Lol Tina, that's allowed! My sister in law is convinced her kids stole her brain cells. I tell her that they are now 4 and 5 so she's got to stop blaming them


Barb, you definitely should ask for something. They left you sitting in all afternoon and then don't show. Disgraceful.

Luckily for a few things here you can ask for the installer, driver etc to give you a call before to make sure you are about. I actually got a call from DHL a couple of days before we went to new york to say they were delivering my furniture on behalf of Next (which is where I bought it) on the Saturday. We were flying out on the Friday. I said, eh no you won't be as I won't be here. They were very good about it. Made a note on the day I was back and they actually rang me at 9am on the Wednesday morning when we'd just gotten back to Ireland. I was on my way home from the airport. They told me the furniture would arrive on the Friday between 7am and 9am. On the Friday morning bang on 7am the driver rang me to say they would be with me before 8am and they were. If only everything worked out that well, lol!


Reply 2993#2993 studiojek's post

Hey you, I hope the little baba makes an appearance soon. My sister went 10 days over with my Nephew and then he ended up being born on the 29th of Feb as it was a leap year that year. Which I think is kinda special.

I'm not a well bunny today. I was out last night with some of my old school friends and we didn't get home until 5am! There is a reason why I very rarely do this. I was wide awake at 10am this morning so I'm a tad tired now  *Yawns* !


Reply 3003#3003 waterlilybarb's post

I know, it was really worth it. We had such good fun!!

Reply  3004#3004 cshapiro's post
You are so right. We are 17 years out of school this year. I'm still close friends with some of the girls I went to school with but there was a few that I hadn't seen since we left school so we had a lot of catching up to do !!

