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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 2114#2114 waterlilybarb's post

I'm glad too! I love popping onto the giggle box - I can't believe there are 106 thread pages!!!


Reply 2119#2119 shinny's post

I like the taste and texture of McDonald's too but I never ever eat it, knowing how bad it is for me and how addicting it can be.

I never knew what MSG stood for, thanks Shinny!


Reply 2123#2123 shinny's post

Everything in moderation as my grandma would say!! Definitely not having enough salt's no good for you - I didn't know leg cramps was one of the risks though.

I heard a while back that some people are 'sugar cravers' and some are 'salt cravers' because of something their mother ate or didn't eat during pregnancy. Anyone a believer?


Reply 2125#2125 shinny's post

Just goes to show that for every 'proven' scientific fact there are gazillions (yes that's the official technical number) of examples of exceptions.


Reply 2141#2141 waterlilybarb's post

That's hysterical Barb! I am having that same kind of day, must be the heat!

As for the summer camp talk - you absolutely have to have a LOT of stamina for that!


Reply 2153#2153 meljones_83's post

That sounds great - especially considering there's such a problem of obesity (as we were talking about last week) right now, especially for kids.

I remember we used to have color wars at camp, is this all going to be similar?


Reply 2156#2156 waterlilybarb's post

Sorry if you already said, but where ae you off to Barb?


Reply 2161#2161 themegababe's post

I know what you mean!!! TGI - well, TGISaturday by now!

So what's everyone up to this weekend? I'm helping some friends move, then tonight going to an Umbria Jazz concert - ever heard of it?


Reply 2163#2163 imarielle626's post

Ya know, sometimes I miss college and learning all that interesting stuff - but then i remember exams and my nostalgia quickly flies away! Good luck with your exams!


Reply 2168#2168 waterlilybarb's post

Congratulations Barb!!!! So exciting!! I'm glad you're managing to get some packing in, too - remember to take lots of breaks and drink lots of water though!


Reply 2174#2174 penny3760's post

I'm so sorry to hear that the Lyme's disease came back again Hopefully it won't be too debiletating.

Barb, glad you're an experienced pack-rat and know how not to overdo it! My least favorite part to pack up is the office - all those books!!!


Reply 2179#2179 penny3760's post

That's odd that it took so long, I thought the symptoms were on the obvious side aren't they? Lethargy, aching bones. I guess if they didn't find a rash right away it could've been a lot of things?


Reply 2183#2183 cshapiro's post

Thanks for that information - I had no idea.


Reply 2200#2200 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Barb - sorry to see your Meez freaking out!
They say the 3 most stressful life events are Moving, Divorce and Death. I guess if you want a silver lining, it's that you are dealing with the first one and not the other 2!!


Reply 2202#2202 penny3760's post

Penny, I am so sorry to hear that. I also hope he goes for a 2nd opinion. What a difficult time.


Reply 2216#2216 penny3760's post

That is just horrible. I hope they are able to relieve his pain and avoid any paralysis. Please continue to share with us if you want to vent it out Penny.


Reply 2219#2219 waterlilybarb's post

I was just thinking about you and your move, Barb! Good luck to you, see you in September!!! (fingers crossed!)


Reply 2236#2236 imarielle626's post

Hi everyone! I just got back from a 2-week visit back home in NJ/NY (I just missed you in NY Arielle!). It was great but I have some serious jet lag now, and the trip wasn't all that relaxing as we did a lot of running around. Happy to be back home actually!

Mel, that's a great song!

I hope Barb comes around soon, I wonder how the move went.

Welcome to silvermage! Hi to Bala and shinny, megababe and Penny and all my other long-lost giggle box pals

So, did I miss anything this summer? I'm still trying to figure out the F$ deal but I will, eventually!

[ Last edited by studiojek at 8-19-2008 18:40 ]


Reply 2246#2246 shinny's post

Ooh an apartment! My husband and I did that - subletted a place in Brooklyn one summer and absolutely loved it. Generally we stay with my parents in New Jersey but the commute just makes it so much more inconvenient.

So what's your favorite site to visit in NYC? Oh, and good luck to you in trying to keep the shopping to a minimum!!


Reply 2248#2248 shinny's post

I love Brooklyn. The place we subletted was in Fort Greene and it was so quaint and multi-cultural and welcoming.

As for museums, my favorite are the MoMa and the Museum of Natural History (if you go, be sure to see a show at the Planetarium), but as you surely know there are hundreds of them! Actually, the Tenement Museum downtown is really great too and very interesting - they give you a taste of what life was like for the first immigrants in NYC. If I remember right, they just opened a tour of old Irish tenements you might be interested in.

I'm so jealous, even though I just got back!! =)

