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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3894#3894 sanggye's post

I like weddings like that.  I have nothing against bigger ones, but I really enjoy more intimate weddings where just close friends and family are there.  My Mum's 2nd wedding was very simple.  I was 7, so I was there.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Having a craptastic week...which is bleeding over from last week.  May I just say that I really, really, really don't like my landlord AT ALL!  The water heater burst last Friday.  We had NO WATER at all until late Sunday afternoon, and that's only because I called every stinkin' number I could find to see if we could at least have cold water.  It is now nearly 5pm on Tuesday and "hopefully" we'll have hot water by some time tomorrow.  BTW, of course, these things always happen on holiday weekends, when all the government agencies are closed.  I am so exhausted.  First, having to haul water to flush the toilets and wash (my neighbour kindly got the big jugs and poured half into my bucket, as the jug is too heavy for me to lift), now, having to heat water to wash and still having to leave to bathe.  I really need a shower today (last had one on Saturday at my brother's house), but am just too unwell to get all my stuff together and go to someone else's house to do it.  I made an appointment with Legal Aid because I am beyond fed up. I am hoping to get some money reduced from this month's rent for the landlord's lack of swiftness in dealing with this matter - it's actually called withholding vital services.  If I had the resources, I would have paid to have it fixed myself and sent him the bill.  I'm getting sick again - stress never helps, and I know I got dehydrated when we had no water because I was rationing my drinking water, and I tend to dehydrate very easily.  Dealing with all that (and more) while I had a 4 day migraine (seems mostly gone now) did not make for an enjoyable weekend at all.

CALGON - take me away!!!!!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3897#3897 sanggye's & 3896 studiojek's post

Thanks you guys.  Unlikely that's it will happen today - it's going on 4pm and still nothing.  My landlord is an idiot.  This is now day 6 with no hot water - and the first 2 of those days with no running water at all.  I'm done for the day.  Haven't the patience to deal with much, so better that I just not try and do anything requiring me to put up with more stupidity or laziness.  The fact that I want to poke my eye out with a shrimp fork isn't helping either (*#^*&^%* migraine).  Thinking a magic wand would be handier than some Calgon at this point.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3900#3900 studiojek's post

Made some more calls yesterday.  Hot water heater is in and the workmen left about an hour ago, according to the guy who runs the store downstairs.  I have hot water in my kitchen, but nothing comes out of the hot water tap in the bathroom sink and nothing at all comes out of my shower tap.  He's checking if one of the shut off valves was left turned off.  I REALLY want to take a shower!  Happy to have some hot water, but need it in the bathroom.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3901#3901 waterlilybarb's post

Thankfully it appears they had just forgotten to turn one of the shut off valves back on.  My shower was lovely.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3903#3903 studiojek's post

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3915#3915 bala's post

Nothing to dread about turning 30.  I was delighted to turn 30 - figured my 30s would HAVE to be better than my 20s were.  Age is just a number.  You can choose to feel old, or you can embrace it and realize that it's the prime of your life.  I have known young 80 year olds and old teenagers.  I prefer the first.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3925#3925 arksongbird80's post

Still have almost daily migraines.  I've seen the doctor, but the treatment is not covered and is expensive.  I'm looking into other ways I might be able to get it even partially covered.  Sure wish it was fixed.  Thanks for asking.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3927#3927 gypsiegirl66's post

No guru, just botox treatment for chronic migraine.  It was approved by Health Canada as a viable treatment option for those diagnosed with chronic migraine, but my drug plan won't cover it.  I'm not surprised, but I initially misunderstood and thought they would, so needless to say, I was disappointed.  Even my idiot neurologist agrees that I don't tolerate the chemicals in all the different preventive meds well at all, and encouraged me to see if I could get it covered.  If not, he'll send me to the Headache Clinic in London, ON.  

I'll let you know when I'm feeling a bit better.  My head is throbbing today and I only got a few hours sleep, so am hoping to crawl back to my cave soon.  

Wish you were feeling a bit better.  I'll be talking to you soon though.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3931#3931 shinny's post

Oh no!  I hope they have some decent weather for their honeymoon, or that they got cancellation insurance in case the storm causes a lot of flights to be grounded.  Here, we aren't getting rain, but the wind has been blowing since yesterday, and was whistling pretty loudly all night.  Glad you have an extra day to rest up from all the festivities.  So nice that the whole family could be there for both events.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3934#3934 bala's post

Just noticed your post about the effects of TV & technology on kids.  I agree that too much at an early age is not good.  Interestingly though, my 10 year old nephew has some comprehension issues, and the school told his parents that he is an ideal candidate for a new program they have which uses iPads (or tablets, but they recommended the iPad because of specific apps) in the classroom.  Not all students are in the program.  He is new to it, so we don't know how it's helping quite yet, but hopefully it will enable him to gain a better comprehension of what he's reading.  Odd how the brain works, as his reading level itself is quite high, but if you ask him to explain to you what he's just read, he has difficulty.

As for the gifts, I don't use scented products, so I wouldn't like those ever, but the others don't seem bad at all...except the socks & novelty items.  No one wants socks for a gift.   I don't celebrate Christmas, but am appreciative of any gift I receive throughout the year.  If someone was thinking of me and bought me slippers, a woolly jumper (just not a hideous one like the one Toni Collette wore in About a Boy), or chocolate, I'd be delighted.  And books are my favourite gift to give & receive.  It's just a matter of matching the right book with the right person.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3944#3944 bala's post

Thanks for sharing.    

As for anything exciting happening in my life - there hasn't been anything.  I've not been well, and the summer was particularly miserable.  I've really had to reduce my time online because of the migraines, which is the main reason I don't post much these days.  I'm still around at some point every day though, so there's always a remote chance thst I'll post something exciting. LOL!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3946#3946 bala's post

You're right!  Gary will think his grumpy tactics worked. lol  I don't find myself lazy, though that was never my problem.  I just find it frustrating not to be able to do simple things without them causing pain, or feeling so difficult because I am not able to think clearly.  Even on days I don't have migraine pain, they affect my cognitive function, and on really good days, I try to catch up on things around the house that require more brain power, which means by the time I get online, I'm wiped out again.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3949#3949 bala's post

I saw those on TV.  He does it every year.  I think he does something similar about Christmas presents, but I can't remember.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3951#3951 bala's post

I don't watch the show, but love those clips.  I think he was actually a guest on a different show, and they aired the clip.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3953#3953 codebreaker's post

LOL!  That was funny!  Thanks for sharing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3965#3965 shinny's post

Those are funny.  Thanks for sharing SinĂ©ad.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


It's Back!

Hello to all! Glad the forum is back up. Figured I'd post in here to say "hey" to the long timers. I'm sure if anyone who doesn't usually post in the forum decides to post, they'll start a new thread about the outage.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3978#3978 bala's post

Yes, I did find out what happened. I emailed LBJ last night asking if the forums were gone for good. He got back to me and said that the site was under severe DOSS attack, and the data center where some servers are located also have several connection and hardware issues. The forums for viptv & movieonline are on the same server, and they forgot to move those.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3982#3982 bala's post

You're welcome. At first I wasn't sure if it was just me. Thankfully, I am Facebook friends with some of the other mods and was able to ask if they could access the site - which none could. It finally dawned on me last night to send an email to LBJ. I'm glad he was able to respond so quickly to my email. Even though we don't have too many who post regularly anymore, we still get quite a few who come to the forum if they are having issues. It was a relief to know the forum wasn't gone.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

