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The girly`s ......giggle box


Didn't want anyone to think we let the giggle box die.  I've just not been too well lately, but I check in daily to see what's happening, and do what I can here & there on the site.  Hope everyone is well.  I'm now less than 3 weeks from my appointment with the new neuro, so I'm hoping something positive will come of that & I'll feel more my old self within the not too distant future.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3766#3766 bala's post

I hope to feel better soon too, thank you.  It's been very windy the past few days, which has my head pounding.  I love spring, but it doesn't really do my migraines any good.  Too much fluctuation in the weather.

I just didn't want any of the gals who don't get to check the site as often to think this was a dead thread.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3804#3804 magic4u's post

ROFLOL!  Gary, you're a riot!  Thanks for actually making me giggle today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, I am off the new meds now.  Still having my regular migraines, but at least no fear of new ones being triggered by that stupid medication.  It's been a month of only taking my old meds once a week, and I'm still having daily migraines.  Don't know how long it's supposed to take to wear off if they are rebound migraines, but I'm not thrilled.  Having to suffer because of the doctor's suspicion isn't pleasant.  I only take the meds when I have a severe migraine anyway, so now only take them if I need to get things done when I have a severe migraine.  He didn't suggest anything else other than keeping a chart of my migraines.  Still not impressed at all...though it's hard to be impressed when one is in pain.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3809#3809 shinny's post

If it accomplishes anything I'll happily eat crow, but I really don't think he's right.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3811#3811 gypsiegirl66's post

I see you're in the bat cave too.  I'm hanging in.  Saved this week's dose for tomorrow since I have an appointment & I need to have them available since I'll be out driving.  The weather has been insane again this week - was up to 112F with the humidex yesterday (and for a few days prior), but dropped overnight & is in the 70s today.  I'm delighted it's cooler, but you know what those kinds of drastic changes can be like for the head.
Been thinking of you too, my pod partner, with prayers for you to feel better too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3813#3813 bala's post

LOL!  Those are amusing, though not very practical, since no kid wants a McDonald's Barbie.

Been a while since I posted in here.  Here's a bit of an update on my search to be rid of the daily evil migraines.  I have continues to follow the doctor's direction to only take the meds up to once a week.  That hasn't proved to help at all, which I didn't think it would, since I wasn't over-taking my  meds.  I am now going for acupuncture twice a week (along with taking some supplements).  While it has not cured me - I have had 5 completely migraine free days in the past month.  I had 2 of those in a row last week, which was another 1st in over a year.  Each time has been the day following treatment, or has begun within hours after a session.  I have also noticed a decrease in the intensity of at least half of the migraines I get now.  It mightn't seem a lot, but when you are in daily pain that makes it nearly impossible to function, every bit of relief helps.  I still have to limit the amount of time I spend in any online session, which is why I do short check ins daily rather than one longer one like I used to.

That's all for now.  I feel pretty good today, so am going to try and get some needed things done around the apartment.  I'll likely check in again later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3816#3816 woothdye's post

That's just gross.  I didn't check the link Bala posted - not a fan of rude things myself.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3823#3823 bala's post

I saw that ad.  It kind of creeped me out. lol

I didn't watch the Toddlers & Tiaras video, but I saw a promo for either a recent or soon to air episode of a little girl wearing fake boobs as part of her costume.  I find the entire show disturbing, but THAT was over the top.  There is something wrong with people dressing their little girls up in women's clothes, with make-up & hair, fake tans, and dental work.  The show must be a delight to pedophiles, but WHAT are these parents thinking?!  It shocks me that Social Services, or some agency, doesn't step in and tone down the sexuality of what is supposed to be a child's competition.  Just wrong!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3826#3826 bala's post

Probably because people will watch it.  I don't see the appeal at all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3830#3830 studiojek's post

Congratulations!  How exciting.   TIna is expecting baby #3 in a few months.  I can't believe your little gal (Sofia, right? - sp?) is already nearly 2!  Time sure does fly.  Two little ones is a lot of work, but also a lot of joy.    

I'm alright.  Been trying acupuncture for the migraines with some positive results.  I still have a lot of them, but most are not nearly as intense.  Been on several different meds for it, which only made things worse, so am done for now with taking new medication.  I'll be getting an MRI sometime within the next 2 months, and see a new specialist in January who I have high hopes for.  The treatment he offers for dystonia may make it possible for me to not have to take the meds I'm on now at all.  I'll be thrilled if it helps (have read lots of positive stuff), and really hope I qualify for the treatment.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3836#3836 studiojek's post

I'm surprised I remember anything these days.  Though it's a lot of work, that's a good age difference between the kids.  Sofia will be a little more independant, and hopefully delighted to be a big sister, and as the baby gets older they're near enough in age to  be playmates.

Bala - that wasn't honest, it was rude.  YOU might think people only want 1 child (if you were the child, I suppose that would be the case), but most people I know who want children and plan on having them, generally want at least 2.  I know a few people who only wanted 1 - but they are in the minority.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3859#3859 shinny's post

Sounds like a great day SinĂ©ad.  I'm stuck in today - mid-grade migraine, which makes me semi-functional.  Not having to stay in the cave all the time these days, which is so nice.  

Gypsy, I sure hope the thump eases for your darlin'.  It just sucks.

Studio, hope your dinner went well.  I haven't eaten out in ages.  With the dietary restrictions, it's not nearly as much fun, though a lot more places have options I can eat.  Restaurants make me want things I can't have though, so it's easier to eat at home - in a controlled environment.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3866#3866 studiojek's post

I saw your posts today but had a busy day studio.  It's getting cold here, though we're getting some kind of mild days in between the cold ones.  Had to bring the car in today.  Wish I really did have a money tree.  It always costs more than expected.

No worries about missing earlier posts.  Glad your keeping busy.

I'm off to bed now.  It's nearly 1:30am, and I'm exhausted.  Hoping that means I can sleep well tonight.  If the weather holds tomorrow, my plan is to fix the rust spots on the car so I can bring it to the car wash that does the interior too.  The poor thing is so filthy, but I've not been well enough to take care of it.  I think I'll try to find a genie to go with the money tree.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3870#3870 arksongbird80's post

Sure wish I HAD a money tree.  You can have the wealthy fella arksong...I've never met one I'd want.  Trying to get myself moving & in less pain so I can tackle the rust spots on the car.  I am definitely missing having a mechanic in the family.  Two of my uncles started as mechanics, but kept it as a hobby when they went for different trades.  They used to do all the labour for no cost for family, and could often source the parts for less than retail.  They're both gone - much too soon (not just because it would save me money.  There's still a list of things needing repaired on the car.  Not sure how much longer I'll be able to afford to keep it.  If I can keep it running for another year, I'll have gotten my money's worth (since I had to replace the engine before I moved back to Windsor).  Hopefully, with some of the new treatments I'm waiting for, I'll be a bit more able to get on without a car by then.

Oooh - on that note, I forgot to mention that my provincial government health coverage has okayed botox for chronic migraine, and will pay for it now.  I definitely qualify, since even with the help the acupuncture gave me, I still meet the criteria, which is: a person has to have at least 15 days a month with migraine and/or they have to last a minimum of 4 hours.  I'm grateful the acupuncture has got them more manageable, but I still have them more than half the time.  I know a couple people who have extra health benefits through their work who have had the botox treatments and they are thrilled with the results.  One doesn't get any migraines in between treatments (generally needed every 3-5 months), and another has had a couple, but nowhere near as bad and they don't keep her from being able to work.  I'm really hoping to get in to a certified doctor soon, but if not, I have an appointment in January for the assessment to see if I qualify for botox treatment for my dystonia, so that doctor could do the migraine treatment as well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3872#3872 arksongbird80's post

I honestly can't imagine being migraine free for months at a time.  I would definitely put those good days to good use.  I do bake bread.  I haven't in a while, but with the cold weather coming (actually, pretty much well on it's way), it's nice to have some bread in the house.  I make a lot of soups & stews in the cold weather, and having a piece of bread or toast with them is nice.   In general, I'm finding I don't miss bread as much as I thought I would, but I love having the option to have it without it costing a ridiculous price (which store bought GF bread does).
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3874#3874 sanggye's post

Thanks.  I hope they do too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3877#3877 bala's post

As Sanggye said, it is the "love of money" that causes problems.  I have never had that problem.  When I was well enough to work, I earned enough to live on and save a bit, but also used some of it to help others, either by donation or by helping those I knew personally in a practical way (ie: bringing some groceries over, getting something for their children).  I don't need to be wealthy, but it would be nice to be well enough to work.  On a pension, you don't have the option of taking an extra shift when you need a bit extra.  I've never been a waster, or one to spend on needless things.  I am, by nature, a saver.  It's just that it's hard to save more than a very little bit when you live paycheck to paycheck.  The repairs to my car cost more than anticipated (taxes alone were almost $90), so even though I had been saving up for it, I still came up short, and had to put the overage on my credit card.  

People who go through millions like it's nothing do not have my pity.  There is nothing wrong with having nice things, if they are within ones means.  Too many these days seem to think they need everything NOW, rather than saving and working towards earning the extras they would like.

No system is ideal.  I'm grateful for the pension I get, because at this point, I am not able to work at all.  Thankfully, I am allowed to earn a bit extra without it affecting my pension, and I've done so in the past, when well enough to take on occasional work.  That just has not been the case in several years.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3884#3884 bala's post

I agree with sanggye.  I have no intereest in marriage, or having a wedding, but I have some male friends who, not only look forward to being married, but have very specific ideas of how they would like their wedding to be.  Women are more communucative about such things, and generally, when men talk about it, it has been my experience, they do so with their female friends.  I would say most of my single male friends would like to be married.  I am the odd one out in that scenario.  I love weddings, and am happy for those who get married, but I'm quite happy being single.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3887#3887 bala's post

Some men really are the ones that make the fuss and want things a particular way for their wedding.  I know men like this.  They have no intention of just doing whatever their partner wants.  Some have very specific ideas as to what they want for their wedding.  Of course, both would have to agree on the actual details, but most don't have problems with that because if they're really ready to marry their partner, then they would already have an idea of what the other likes and dislikes.  There are some men who are happy to leave it all up to the woman, but I would think there are women who are happy to leave most or all of it up to the man.  It all depends on the person.  What I have found funny is that it's the unlikeliest men who have such specific visions of their wedding. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

