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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3324#3324 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny.  I'll definitely look into that.  Today I have another pounding migraine (if I don't move my head it's just bearable).  I've also been doing some research on bio-identical hormones, as it seems many women get some relief from those.  It's getting to the point that if someone told me that if I spun counter-clockwise while reciting the alphabet backwards it would get rid of them, I'd try it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3326#3326 studiojek's post

Hi Studio - that sounds like a great idea...having time for yourself.   As for Bala's posts, they are blocked because he has been temporarily banned from posting.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3332#3332 themegababe's post

Hey Meg, and all you gals.  I've been offline all weekend, and not on much last week.  Turns out I mixed up my medications, which just exacerbated my migraine.  I learned to pay EXTRA close attention to my meds.  Thankfully it's never happened before, but I NEVER want it to happen again.  I'm off to check the boards.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3334#3334 studiojek's post

We're spoiled here.  Maternity leave can last up to a year.  I'm glad for you that you've only had to return part-time.

I was already not well with a bug - which likely caused the mix-up in the 1st place, but I still feel pretty rough.  I saw the allergist again today and have to go back on a modified version of the elimination diet, though not for as long.  At least I can use chicken for soup instead of turkey, and I can also use more vegetables & spices, which makes it much easier.  We (the doctor & I) think wheat is the major culprit, but only for my stomach, not the migraines.  Though inconvenient, it's nice to know what to avoid to feel even slightly better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3337#3337 themegababe's post

LOL!  My doctor looks nothing like McDreamy.  He's an older Vietnemese man.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3339#3339 studiojek's post

I've had the migraines since long before I had a computer and I don't go on it (or if I do, it's to say I'll be offline) when they get too bad.  I'm not usually on for a long time in any one go - unless I'm doing something specific.  Today, I was on for less than an hour earlier, and have come to check back in here and to check my email & FB (I have friends who send me messages there rather than email).  I have paid attention to how it affects me, and I know I overdo it sometimes.  I was offline from Friday night - Monday as I was so ill...and I've gone weeks without it, so I know it's doable if necessary.  For me, I think the computer exacerbates the migraine more than causes them.   It would be nice to find a cure, but my Mum and my uncle (on my Dad's side) both suffered from them most of there lives, so it's likely something I'll have to continue living with.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3341#3341 studiojek's post

I whole-heartedly agree.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


AAAHHHH!!! My rant for the day!

Finally got the landlord to come over and the heater started working.  It DOES kind of work, but not enough to get anything warm.  He thinks it's fine, while I sit here trying to type with my fingers stiff from the cold.  If it has actually started to work properly I'll be delighted, but if not (which is my suspicion), it will take that much more time to get him back here to fix the stupid thing.  

OK - I just checked it again, and it is not getting any warmer than when he was here - which is NOT enough to warrant leaving it turned on high and paying a crazy high bill.  It's not even Februaury yet, we're having a cold snap, and I'm sick.  Warm weather won't be here for a couple months, and a person can only wear so many layers and get anything done.
Frustration does not even begin to describe how I feel!   

Plus, I was stupid and had a couple cookies yesterday (they contained wheat flour).  Wheat is NOT my friend.   On the up side, I found a pretty decent recipe for brownies made with rice flour...which I'll wait to make until my guts feel better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3345#3345 shinny's post

Unfortunately it's an electric baseboard (more expensive & there's no forced air, so they don't seem to warm things up as much).  I LOVE radiator heat, but none in this apartment.

Sounds like you had a great time at the wedding.  That IS a long day though.  Is that just the norm for church weddings or are they as long if someone does a civil ceremony?  Here, most people expect their guests to find something for themselves to do while they go do pictures.  Fine if you live in town, but not so much fun for out of towners (they generally go visit at someone's house) until the reception.  It also varies greatly from one culture to another, as this is a very multi-cultural area.  I've been to Italian, Nigerian, French-Canadian, among many other kinds of weddings (other than just Canadian).  I think the differences are what make them so much fun.  It's an opportunity to see another culture in a different light, other than everyday life.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3347#3347 shinny's post

A lot of weddings end around midnight here too - but that's generally if that's what the bride & groom choose.  Most weddings I've been to end around the time the bride & groom head out.  If the couple is more into the party it can go longer, but if they're heading for their honeymoon the next day, between midnight & 1am is pretty standard...though Italian weddings tend to go later, as more food is usually brought out around midnight.  :)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3351#3351 themegababe's post

LOL!  I have plenty of blankets Meg.  Thankfully it's not as cold (or damp) this week, so it's not as chilly in here.  I'm also still running a lowgrade fever which keeps me warmer some of the time.  I wish I could take a hot bath, but alas, I only have a shower.  I do take hot showers, but when I have the migraines (like today) they make my head worse, so I forgo them and do a sink bath. I'm dying for a shower, so am hoping my meds will kick in a little better (I also need to get off the computer for that to happen) so I can hop in, warm up and freshen up.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3360#3360 cshapiro's post

Thank you for your concern.

I am quite conservative with regards to how I care for my health, and I don't take anything I haven't thoroughly researched myself as well as talked to my doctor about.  Whether I choose to try these is personal, and not something I would advocate to others, nor would I dissuade them, if they felt it was appropriate for them, under a doctor's supervision.  Not all sick people are so gullible as to try everything that comes down the pipeline, but neither are some doctors open to new (or old) treatments).  That is why it's important for patients to be their own advocates, and take responsibility for what they put in their body.  Knowledge is important - but, as they say, a little knowledge is dangerous, which is why I try to be as thorough as possible with regard to myself.

That's all I have to say on this particular subject.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3366#3366 shinny's post

Dark chocolate is my nemesis and I was stupid enough to eat a little bit today.  I'm paying for it now - my guts are not happy & a migraine is brewing.  I'm usually REALLY good about avoiding it, but something possessed me today.  It's not going to be a pleasant night...but it's my own fault. <me to myself
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3369#3369 studiojek's post

Yes I did.   I'm still not too well today.  I can eat a little bit of milk chocolate without getting sick, but dark chocolate is so lovely - and I was at a friend's house where they had some really good ones yesterday.  I knew I'd pay for it, and thought it would be worth it, but alas, I was mistaken.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


My exciting Saturday

I'm doing laundry - SO exciting.   My friends are out of town and have loaned me their keys & the use of their washing machine & dryer, so I'm getting it ALL done.  I can't wait to get home later and put the clean sheets on the bed.  Can you feel the excitement?!  Problem with that plan is - I'll probably be too wiped out by then & just wait until tomorrow, which means I'll be sleeping on top of a comforter tonight. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3376#3376 studiojek's post

I still haven't put it all away, but it's a treat to have clean laundry - especially clean sheets.

I'm sick again.   I awoke yesterday with a throat that felt like I had gargled with razor blades and today my head is so stuffed up I can't breathe.  I'd go get some cold meds but we had snow again (it's actually snowing right now) and there's approx. 6 inches of snow on my car, and I'm too wiped to go out and clean it off AND go to the store.  Maybe I'll just go back to bed.  I do have some of that awful lemon drink for cold/flu...ICK.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3378#3378 nye87's post

Nice to see you Jannah!   Glad to hear your computer is back in tip-top condition and that you still have a job (albeit a different one).  These days, any job is a good one.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I think I have flu.   This respiratory bug is kicking my butt, and rather than feeling any better, I'm more achy and feverish today plus the cough is worse.  The pharmacy delivers (thank heaven) so I called and ordered some more supplies for the weekend.  I'll only go to my doc if it turns into an infection or takes a major turn for the worse (I've had pneumonia in the past from flu), so if you don't see me, I'm in bed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3384#3384 studiojek's post

Poor little one...and poor Mama.  Glad she's on the mend (and you're feeling better), but it's never fun when your baby's sick.

I'm still sick, but am slowly improving.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3386#3386 studiojek's post

Just noticed my smiley was sticking out his tongue instead of frowning...I fixed it.  I'd never make light of anyone being sick.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

