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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 3268#3268 nye87's post

Hey Jannah!  Those are some long hours - sounds quite tiring.  I've done it in the past, so remember what it's like.  At least you get to go home & catch some zz's, unlike a Mama.  Speaking of Mama's, Tina is due January 1st, and doing alright...ready to welcome him to the world.  

This diet is SUCKY!  I really hope it helps.  The biggest challenge I'm having is I'm not a big meat eater and meat is the only protein allowed, so I feel hungry a lot - even after I've eaten enough for the day.  I'm also developing a loathing for turkey.  Eating (some) fruits, vegetables & (some) grains is fine - but I'm finding I really miss peanut butter & milk.  Other than that, it isn't the most appetizing diet, but it is doable.  I think I'm missing those things because they were my protein supplements (along with soy milk & yogurt).  The other bummer about it is there are some things only available this time of year, but I don't know if I should buy some to freeze because they may be things I'll have to eliminate.  I think I'll pick up a couple of favourites, as I'll have to reintroduce things anyway.  

We had our first real snowfall yesterday.  It's nice, and nothing like all the snow I had to shovel last winter.  It doesn't usually get as snowy here as in the north.  Thank heaven for small mercies.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3271#3271 serena75's post

Thanks. The 1st week is almost over...only 2 more with this severe restriction.  I've never eaten so much turkey soup in my life (if you can call it that).  It's one of the easier things I can have (and have made a big pot), but one can only eat the same thing so long without going a little antsy.  I shouldn't complain - I'm fortunate enough to have enough to eat...even if it's not what I would choose.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3273#3273 nye87's post

The snow must have been beautiful.

I have 2 more weeks on this diet.  I like a roasted turkey - but since I can't eat onions or garlic, and salt is the only seasoning allowed, the turkey just isn't cutting it.  I'm also allowed duck and lamb.  Duck is way too expensive and (though I bought some) lamb is not my favourite - and with the same seasoning restrictions it's also a challenge.  At least I can use fruit and that goes good with lamb.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3275#3275 shinny's post

Chicken is not on the approved list - which is a bummer.  I prefer it, it's cheaper and I could probably figure out some tastier ways to make it.  I tried that with turkey (doing what I might with chicken) and it was too dry and just not as tasty.  I WISH fish were allowed.  I could get along fine with that.  Maybe I'll plan to go for a seafood dinner when I'm done. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3275#3275 shinny's post

Are your brother & his family that live in Australia still there?  If so, I bet you'll all really treasure the time together.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3280#3280 sddvasquez's post

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I finally have the doors up on my kitchen cupboards!!!  Now, the cupboards are done - they've been scraped and painted, and to have doors is the icing on the cake (mmm, cake...which I'm not allowed ).  My friend repaired them beyond what I imagined and hung them for me.  Not feeling too great physically, but I'm ecstatic over this hurdle.  Now I`ll be able to put things away in the lower cupboards and know the cats won`t be able to crawl on them.  Bliss.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3283#3283 sddvasquez's post

No baby yet for Tina...(I just checked my facebook account for updates and she was on a couple hours ago).  

More excitement for me.  I bought as sofa today!!  I was going to wait, but the sales are amazing right now, and I'm in desperate need of one, since I haven't had one since I moved (almost 8 months ago now).  It gets delivered Thursday, which was a treat, as I didn't expect they would be able to deliver before next week.  Just means that tomorrow I'll be rearranging things to make room for the movers.  Maybe I really will be mostly settled by the end of the month.  I've been saying it every month now for ages, but this month it's a real possibility.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3286#3286 studiojek's post

IT"S HERE!!! I'm embracing my inner geek as I do the dance of joy around my living room.

Studio - it's a dark cream (almost taupe) microsuede sofa - great for cats, as the fur comes up easily and the colour won't show it as much.  I have been using a chair (my next project is reupholstering the chair & ottoman).  I had a daybed in the living room, but never used it as it was too high to sit on, and just took up too much space.  I found an area rug on sale which I'll be getting within a couple weeks, which will really warm things up (literally and decoratively).  It's starting to feel like home, which is AWESOME!  I haven't felt that way since I moved...which was 8 months ago.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3288#3288 studiojek's post

Thank you.   I'm totally enjoying it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



I must have the worst luck with heaters.  The electric baseboard heater in my living room is barely working.  It is COLD!  I'm so happy I remembered I had an electric blanket which I dug out last night.  It's not as bad as 2 winters ago when I was in the other apartment & you could see your breath in the air, but I'm tired of having to almost dress for the outdoors just to do bum around the house.   To top it off I have a migraineand the meds are making feel vomitous.  Not a happy camper today (though I will say, I had a fairly decent week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3291#3291 sddvasquez's post

According to her facebook status, Tina was having contractions yesterday, so hopefully she's had the baby and all is well.  I'm sure we'll know soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Tina had her baby... 6lbs 10oz and 19inches long.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3296#3296 sddvasquez's post

Update from Tina's FB:

"I just got Home today. Malec was born 5:15 am by emergency c-section....Thanks to God it was the best decision and Malec is here and healthy."
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3301#3301 gabsimom's post

I have been pronouncing it MAL-ec, but am wondering now if it's Mal-eek.  Sneaky is it pronounced?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3306#3306 gabsimom's post

It's spelled in a way that seems fairly obvious as to how it should be pronounced.  Now if it was Malic, I could see the confusion.  On the topic of breast feeding, it's not only best for baby, but it also has benefits to the Mama's - one being that it lowers the risk of breast cancer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3309#3309 studiojek's post

I'm still adding new foods, and have a couple suspions...REALLY hoping peanut butter isn't a culprit, but the migraines just won't quit.    I reintroduce wheat & gluten next week, which I'm a bit nervous about.  I haven't had an attack of IBS since I've been off it, so I'm fearing that may be a cause, though if it is, I'll be glad to know it.  As challenging as it is to be on such a strict diet, it would be worth it if it eliminated the IBS.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3311#3311 gypsiegirl66's post

Thank you sweetie.

Shinny - sorry to hear about your infection.  No fun.
The migraines have not improved - I'm battling another right now (I'm going offline VERY shortly), but no IBS attacks has been wonderful.  I'll know for sure if it's food related when I bring back gluten next week.  I have an appt. for some tests Tuesday morning, so I think I'll wait until they're done before I do add it back.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3315#3315 shinny's post

I have no idea.  I do know that weather & hormones play a big part in my migraines, and there isn't much i can do about either of those.  It might be something I just have to keep living with.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 3319#3319 shinny's post

Well, menopause is still a good ways away for me, but I hear many women get relief once they're through it.  Other than that, and my inventing a weather machine - I don't see how I can change much else.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

