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The girly`s ......giggle box

Ha ha, that's because we are girlie's!!

It's so good to be online, when I arrived abck in CR on the 16th my laptop key board didn't work,   well q, w, a, & s, worked. There aren't too many words you can type with those letter (as, was, saw...). I'm borrowing my friends laptop for tonight and tomorrow, with the season premier of ER I had to be here.

I know what you all mean about driving, I think it's much better to be in a smaller country also. My condo in CR is in the mountains, but I can drive to the Pacific in 1hr and to the Atlantic in two. I usually just hire a taxi, it's really cheap down here. I can go anywhere on the island for less than $70. In S. Florida, I could be stuck in traffic going 20 miles, for over an hour (depending on time and season). I also love New England driving, especially Maine. It's so open and beautiful, you can't help but love it.


Reply 2716#2716 waterlilybarb's post

Awww, that was so cute Barb. That bunny looks so much like my Gypsy, I couldn't help but smile even wider when I saw it!!

For those of you that don't know, I was in the hospital, the past 3+ months having a few surgeries. I'm home now, but still recuperating. I seriously cannot believe how much the site has changed....WOW!! It's going to take me a while to see all that has been going on.
Hope to see all my old buddies around the boards.


Reply 2718#2718 imarielle626's post

Hey Arielle, Hows school going? Are you still enjoying it as much as you first did? Any big news in your life?
Hope all is well with you!!


Reply 2720#2720 imarielle626's post

Good to hear you are enjoying the challenge of school, as well as your sorority. That's great that you get to go back to Israel, It may not be what you wanted, but at least you'll be helping those in need. Hope your sis enjoys UF, and that the scholarship comes through for UNC. Chapel Hill is a beautiful campus.
Oh, and YAY Gators!!


Reply 2722#2722 waterlilybarb's post

Snuggle down...

and get well girlie!!


I've been in bed all day myself....  


Reply 2728#2728 waterlilybarb's post

Oh Barb, that sounds dreadful!! I know what you mean, Gypsy isn't s fetcher either. If I could, I'd put Alexis on a plane today.

Reply  2725#2725 studiojek's post
Thanks you studio, it's good to see you. I hope your hubby feels better soon, and you can get some rest. Aren't men the worst patients?

Serena, I hope feel better soon too!


Reply 2732#2732 serena75's post

Three weeks, that's sounds just awful, hang in there girl!!


Reply 2734#2734 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, you certainly are not a whinger, anyone would feel the same way, as you. When do you think you'll get out of that town, and back where life is easier? Try to keep a stiff upper lip sweets, and vent here anytime you need (we all understand).

Hope you are up and feeling your old self soon. Until then, try to take it easy, as easy as you can in a town with no deliverys. Oh, and please tell me, what is the point of delivering groceries, if you have to go to shopping for them anyway? That sounds completely bass ackwards!


Reply 2745#2745 waterlilybarb's post

didn't bother getting dressed though, since I feel so crappy.  I put my long coat & high boots on over my pjs.   If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything.  I don't really care - at least I got what I needed.
Good for you girl!! There are times, I wish I could just trow a long coat over my PJ's, I think people would stare, since I live in Florida!!

Glad to hear your neighbor took notice, and had you plowed out. Keep the hot fluids flowing, and get as much rest as you can. Hopefully, you'll soon be feeling better!


Reply 2757#2757 waterlilybarb's post

I'm not superman, but I'm on my way........

See my Meez!!


Reply 2762#2762 waterlilybarb's post

Awww Barb, that totally sucks. My heart goes out to you sweets, you've been through far too much this year!!


Congrats Shinny!!

Studio, is this your first child? If so, your labor may be a bit long. With my first I was in labor for 4 days, 48hrs, of contractions less than a min apart, 2hrs 45 min of pushing....ugggh!! But, I forgot how bad it was, the instant I saw my beautiful daughter. My second, came within two hours, and just one push....that was great.

Barb, that is such wonderful news, I'll feel so much better, when you are back to civilization (I'm sure you will too)!


Hey Meg, it's great to hear from you. I think about you too, I know you must be real busy. Glad to hear, your move is over, and that you have your new home.

Studio, I wasn't trying to scare you, it's likely, that you wont go through anything like I did. My body, just wasn't prepared for the delivery, my water broke a month prior to due date. So, she had to drop, a long way before I could deliver.

Barb, I'm sorry to hear, all the toubles you are having. I hope you can get some help, you must feel so overwhelmed. I think this virus is clinging, because of all the stress you've been under. Hopefully, once you're be back to civilization, and get all comfy in your new home, things will get better. You're in my thoughts sweetie.


Yesterday, was my youngest daughters birthday too. She turned 20, which I can't believe.


Reply 2831#2831 waterlilybarb's post

OMGoodness, that cake was awesome!! I used the choclate chips, yuuuuuuummmmmmy!! Thanks for the recipe Barb. It was so good, I emailed it to all my friends. I'll probably, make one everyday, maybe I can actually gain some weight eating this.

I have a friend, who is diabetic, I wonder if she could substitute Splenda, for the sugar and have it work. I'm going to email her a copy of the recipe, and have her give it a try. If it works, she'll be thrilled.

Thanks again Barb!!


Hi Everyone!

Just thought I'd drop a line.....

Sorry I haven't been around, It's been an effort to just get out of bed in the morning, but life is still stomping forward. I've been "hangin' in", but been having a bit of a flare up, so haven't been able to do much. I'll be going to DC, first week of September. I have so much stuff to do, I just don't have any desire to deal with any of it. Been putting everything off, so now it's all piled up. The girls have headed back to school (well to set up their apartments), their both living off campus this year.

Sorry, I didn't really read the upper posts, to see whats been going on with everyone (just skimmed this page).

Tina, how far along are you now? hope the preggo isn't reeking havoc on your body.

Barb, glad to hear you are feeling better. I'll probably be calling you, in the next few days. We'll catch up then.

Hi meg, shinny & everyone, hope you're all doing great!

Well, talk to ya'll later!!


Barb, hope this cuppa tea helps.....

Careful it's hot!


Congratulations again Tina, what a cool and unusual name I love it. Hope you and the baby are doing well, and that you are getting the rest you need to take care of the little guy.

Barb, sorry to hear that you are having more health problems, it's so hard to battle something when you don't know the cause. I hope the diet helps them figure out what is causing the migraines and the IBS, both are such miserable ailments to have to deal with. Feel better soon, you're in my prayers girlie!


Reply 3312#3312 shinny's post

Ugggh, that sucks Shinny. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I don't blame you for not wanting to take antibiotics, they kill all the good bacteria as well as the bad. Get lot's of rest and drink plenty of fluids.


Reply 3315#3315 shinny's post

Great to hear that you are feeling better Shinny! I hope you recovery continues to progress and that you are back to being 100% of yourself soon.


Hi Penny, It's great to see you again! You are right, and that is excellent advise. People need to use the brains they were given, before putting anything into their body. Research and getting advise from trained professionals, is the only way to know if what you are taking is going to help or hurt you.

Meg, how are you? Is married life treating you good? Well, it's good to hear from you, and I hope all is going well in your life!

Barb, please just take care of yourself, so that you are up and feeling better soon.

