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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1875#1875 waterlilybarb's post

Well, the break didn't help me one bit, I've got a full blown migraine now. Looks like it was the equator, that made the difference. I see we have the same mugs, they are actually quite similar to the ones I have. I've moved to our veranda off our master BR, we don't have a view this astonishing, but it ain't too shabby either. I think I'm off to bed though, after a quick look around the forum.


Thanks from me too studio....
I've been out for a couple of days seeing Dr's and having tests, nothing fun that's for sure. Hopefully I'll get news that the flare-up is still on it's way out!

I hear ya on the thunderstorm front Barb, they always help the thumpin' in my head, and they're fun to sit and watch/listen to too boot. that one is headed in your direction, and that it relieves you from the banging in your head, right quick!!

I'm off to fetch another ice pack, hoping it's frozen already.  


Reply 1893#1893 bala's post

I agree with the above stated bala, you should at least learn to make a meal or two. Even if it's just pasta with jarred sauce, or meatloaf, those are both simple meals. Baked chicken legs, or breast with a veggie, is another easy meal. There are no complicated recipes in any of these meals, and they are all good decent meals. So go for it bala, you may surprise yourself!   


All this talk about food, made that Pop-tart I had for dinner, not so satisfying. So I whipped up some pasta, and tossed it in a pan of sauteed fresh garlic & crushed red peppers in olive oil. Topped it with a little pecerino romano cheese, and with the Texas toast I cooked, I had myself a fine meal.  8 mins for the pasta to cook, I sauteed the garlic/olive oil mixtuer and baked the Texas toast, all at the same time. This is one of my favorite (what I call) "quick spaghetti's". I also use the same recipe, adding a can of crushed tomatoes to the sauteed mixture,


I thought it was that Ryan cheated on Reese (accompanies by drug use problems), that brole up the marriage. I know that he had jealousy issues, but from what I remember of this story and I may be wrong, they were in counseling to work out those issues.

Meg, I love your Avatar!!

bala, I think what shinny is saying, is you never know until something happens. You may get married, and it last forever, or it may not. After you may spend years alone and meet someone that is really right for you unexpectedly, or it may happen a few months after your divorce. You may love being married so much, that you go looking for that new someone. You can't predict what the future will hold, you can't even predict what your own feelings or attitudes will be. That is one of the great things about the futures, everything can change, mostly ourselves.  


Hey girlie's, I too haven't been able to come around as much as I'd like. My youngest daughter is here on her break from college, and she's helping me get healthy.

Oh, how I remember all the cute clothes both my daughters had. I remember having many outfits in their closets, from their showers. Friends bought outfits for as they grew, 6 mos, 12 mos, 18 mos...etc. I would look at them, and think how cute it would be when they grew into them. Now, I wish they never grew up, I miss those cute little girlie's. However, they are wonderful young women too, and there is so much joy & pride, I get out of being with them & knowing I raised them to be great women.

Hope everyone is doing well, and hope your chest cold is getting better shinny!!

Hugs and kisses to all!!   


I knew with both my girls, and I found it to be wonderful. I don't think my feelings  or how I treated my unborn child, would have been any different had they been boys. I was happy to have two girls, two boys, or a boy and a girl. I never had sisters, and my brothers are much older then I am. So it was excellent. no matter what I had, as long as they were healthy (and they were). I couldn't imagine their births being less thrilling, or surprising, if I hadn't known.


I had co-ed showers, but I had two baby showers for my first born, one was co-ed and the other wasn't. My hubby and I, both thought it was great, to be there together to celebrate. Of course the men did spend most of the time, congregating around the bar, trading stories, and gossiping. I think it's faqntastic of you to try and get this custom going in Italy, the happy couples are missing out on so much!

I totally agree with, making sure there are reasonably priced and mostly practical gifts in the registries, for the wedding/baby showers. Both my hubby and I came from well to do families, as did/do most of our friends. I had my friends and hubby, help me do the registries. I knew most of what I wanted, and some of it was quite expensive, but a lot of it was very reasonable. I do/did have many friends that were on tight budgets, and many of the gifts that I wanted were reasonably priced. Personally, I don't see much reason for buying something just because it's a name brand, when you can buy things that are just as good (or better), at a more reasonable price. Quality is mainly what I look at, and the most expensive, in many cases, is not always the best quality.

I hope your showers, are as rewarding as mine were, and as fun too!!


I'm sorry I missed Meg in the buff, that must have been something (I know you were in a swim suit), still hilarious!

Barb I hope that the rain at least helped the banging, that's the one good thing about rain for me!! So your friend has left, what a bummer, I always hate good-byes. You best get on with the packing, not much time left now, and you'll be making the big move.

Arielle, have a great summer session, hope the drive is at least a bit of a scenic, so it will be more enjoyable!

As for me, I'm trying to enjoy the time I have with my daughter, while she is here. I'm still working on resting to get back to a more healthy me, so not much time for the forum with my daughter here and keeping rested. Oh, and I broke my coccyx (tail bone) three days ago, I'm such a kluts, so I'm on the mend for that too!! I hope to soon back feeling like my old self (which isn't great, but better than I am), in a month or so!!

I hope you all are enjoying the summer, here in S. Florida I can only describe it as

Hot, Hot & Hotter!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 6-26-2008 10:21 ]


Penny, you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. That is so sad, especially in someone so young. It's awful that so many cancer patients look perfectly healthy, and aren't diagnosed before it becomes terminal.


Me thinks me smells an intruder!

Sorry Gary, but the girlie's have invaded and taken over!


Reply 2279#2279 imarielle626's post

hey Arielle, what sorority do you belong to? If you are in college you never outgrow footbaLL!


Hey Meg, it's great to see you, I know that you will be a huge success at being a therapist. Hows married life treating you? Is the honeymoon over yet?

Mel, your dress sounds beautiful, when is the wedding again? Happy to hear you're enjoying your students, I'm sure you'll have a great year.

REL-I live in FL, I know that football is big here, and I grew up in Maine, where the Patriots have a huge fan base. I too have always loved school spirit, I was a cheerleader and some of my favorite times were pep rallies. Enjoy your time in college, you only get to do it once!!

Hmmm I think I'm forgetting someone??? Oh, Barb well you know I'm thrilled to have you back!

I'm thrilled to be back myself and feeling better to boot...bonus!!


Reply 2308#2308 meljones_83's post

Thank you both, it's great to feel like me again!
Yep, my Mum is the same way too, she buys the same shirt in all colors, and can never find anything she truly likes on her body. I on the other hand love to shop, I could spend $1000 in about 4hrs. I try to stay away from malls or sales ads, they always lead me on a shopping spree.

A fall wedding, how wonderful, that is my favorite time of year. Are you using fall colors, for flowers....etc? I'm sure it will be beautiful, no matter what you use.


Reply 2311#2311 imarielle626's post

That's wonderful, it should be great fun. I've gathered that you are a Gator fan from UFL, what a great school to attend. You're right they are right up there, for best school spirit. I hope that you and you're friends have a great time, it looks like it's right at the right time, and will have no hurricane activity up there. Well, except for "The Hurricanes", good luck on winning.
Go Gators!!!


Reply 2313#2313 meljones_83's post

Well, I'm sure the whole wedding will be lovely, green is a favorite color of mine too. You go, on and on, as much as you like. Planning for the big day (especially for the bride), is the best part (at least is was for me). I rambled my friends ears off, they totally understood also. Plus, I love hearing about all the plans.

Hope you slept well sweet pea, I've been up all night, and I have to fly home for a week (this afternoon), then back again.

Can you believe this is the only airport meez has, I've never been to one, that looks like this, it kind of looks like a high end nightclub, or a very upscale bowlig alley. lol


Congrats on being an aunt again Shinny, you must be thrilled. I just love babies, I wish someone I knew was pregnant (not my daughter's, of course)

I worked in a private psychiatric hospital in Portsmouth, NH and with a psychologist in private practice, for almost 2yrs or so (as a psych assistant), during my time at Boston College. In the hospital I worked with psychiatrists (mainly there to prescribe meds) & MSW's who counseled pt's daily. You said you would like to work with young women with eating disorders, this is the kind of place that you can make a difference for that type of problem. You can work at a private hospital, if you want. You can choose to work with the kind of pts you want, and really get a chance to (for eating disorders), nip it in the bud. The average stay a pt stays 30 days, and I've seen many, successes. You could also (if you want) see pts part time, and/or be a part of their after care
.As a pych assistant, I worked directly with pt's, with eating disorders, troubled children/adolescents & occasionally with alcoholics/addicts. I found that to be very interesting, especially working with pt's with eating disorders & troubled adolescents. Psych assists, not only sit in on group therapy, but they are the ones who do the listening, when the pt's aren't in  therapy. I learned a great deal from both the counselors and the pt's. Like that listening is sometimes the best way to help most people. Not to insert your own opinions too much, when dealing directly with the pt's. Not that I am comparing a psych assist to a psychologist or MSW. The most important thing I think (as stated above), is to have the ability to hear & recognize, the danger signs, that lead to eating disorders, cutting, suicidal ideation, homicidal tendency and so much more.  That is the hardest part, when you're in private practice. Therapists learn part of that in school, and part from pt's. Working with the private psychologist, I saw that it was much more difficult (although more financially gainful), to have a private practice. All the responsibility, lies directly on the therapist. A colleague of ours another psychologist , had a young pt female 26yo, commit suicide, the day after one of her sessions. She (the psychologist), was well renounced also, had been practicing for 15+ yrs. Although she remained as professional as she should have, I know from talking with her, that it affected her deeply.
You don't become friends with patients (as I think bala thought), because you don't talk to them about your own life. You do however, come to care about at least some of your pt's (if not most of them). I know I cared about many of the pt's I dealt with (as did the Dr. I worked with), you just can't take their problems onto yourself. Therapists learn, that they can do their very best, to help pt's through their troubles, and try to keep them safe. Ultimately they have no control over a pt's choices (not including if they see a pt is a danger to themselves or others), but they can help them see the bad choices from the good.  Of course counseling, is much more than just what I have stated. I have the utmost respect for all that work in these fields, it is a very difficult job. It's like walking a tight wire, with no net at times. I was told by a couple psychologists, MSW's & a psychiatrist, that the best therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists, see therapists themselves.

Just a little insight of what I have seen, and maybe another option.


Reply 2339#2339 bala's post

bala, Although I would never picture you as an accountant, you don't seem the type of person to want to sit and review numbers or do other people taxes. Stuck in an office, all day long. I thought maybe you would be in some type of profession like litigation. If being an accountant is your passion, I'm sure you will have no problem, dealing with others in that profession. Also, I think you are one person that could make the job fun.

Mel, a fun might with my hubby (if her were an accountant), wouldn't be talking about numbers & people's taxes. Talking about and seeing into the minds of children (reading homework), would be fun and interesting. Accounting is usually only fun, to other accountants.


Reply 2345#2345 themegababe's post

I have three degrees, a Masters biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology, BS biomedical & health, and a BS psychology.  Your professor may have been talking about psych techs. Yes you usually have a few individual sessions and one group therapy a day. The individual sessions are spread out a few a day over the week, so you can see all the patients. However you can choose to spend time with pts, when your not in session.


Reply 2348#2348 imarielle626's post

Once you're through you prerequ's, you'll enjoy the class time of college even more. I enjoyed the process of getting my degree's, and loved the subjects I was majoring in. All my friend used to say, I would end up being a professional student. It's funny though, I had gotten my FF & paramedic licenses while I was in High School. While in college, I worked as a FF/medic, as well in a hospital ER, and in psych work. Not all at the same time, and all part time (while in school). I did after I finished grad school, I work both as a FF/medic and in an ER. Then after all my schooling, all I really wanted to do was be a FF/medic. I figured I would do that for a few more years (until I got over needing the adrenalin rush), then maybe become a geneticist or tackle the drug industry (making sure they offered safe products), I saw myself working my way up in the FDA. I saw myself doing a number of things, and with the degrees I had I thought the world was my oyster. I was even considering going back to grad school to finish off my psychology degree. Life however, didn't go that way for me, I started getting sick a 3 1/2 years after I finished grad school, (it took them 2yrs to Dx with me Lupus), and the rest is history.  

It would have been so cool, if you could have at least seen Cappie and Rebecca, bummer. I met a few clebs, when I lived in NY, I met Lauren Bacall late one night walking on 44th st (she was very pleasant), I met Matthew Broderick, as he was coming out of the play "The Producers" he was very nice (and drove a scooter) I saw Sarah Jessica a few times alone with Matthew and alone. When I was visiting family there in 1986/87 I met Michael J. Fox on the set of "The Secret to My Success", he was really nice. My uncle was a cop there, and we went right on the set and talked to him. He was just a regular guy, really took his time talking with us. I saw quite a few celebs in the city, I think it's best if you just let them go about their business. The above situations, were unique kinds of interactions.

Well, I sure have been chatting up a storm lately, I guess it's because I haven't slept since Saturday. The darned insomnia is really making me a bit crazy.
I'm off to get something to eat, although you are all fast asleep (I'm wide awake).

