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The girly`s ......giggle box

No problem, every culture has their own foods but most Muslims include dates and some sort of soup.
you'll have to stay away from the brik, it is mostly eggy.


Thanks for sharing the pics everyone looks so wonderful.


Congrats Serena!!
Well It is official I am expecting a boy.
Everyone Thought I was having a girl including me, poor little guy.


Awe thanks.
Now to find a good boy name.


I agree your English is good and it is fun learning new phrases in another language or even your own.

I keep joking with Adam and asking him if he Prayed for a boy. He gets this sneaky laugh and says yes. I asked him if next time if we could pray for a girl since now he has the little brother he wanted. He answers maybe or we will see.

Funny how kids pick up on stuff you tell them and translate back at you.


I just have to brag on my hubby a bit. I have been extremely exhausted this pregnancy so we will say my housekeeping has been less than steller. So my hubby who only takes 2 days off a month on his day off cleaned the house for me, except bathroom and dishes of course. He even scrubbed the floors. Now lets see if he can keep up the good husband act.


Reply 3149#3149 nye87's post

Yep and I expect lots of presents,
Just kidding, pm me if you need shipping info.
I feel full of myself tonight.


I think it is lack of sleep, I am at that stage where you have to pee all the time because you can't fully vacate. Also the cramping from the stretching and sore back from the bones moving. And heartburn and the little guy likes to kick me all night.
But I am glowing


I'll never understand women scheduling in having babies and especially having major surgery to do it.
I know some women have no choice and it is for health reasons, but if you can do it the old fashion way it is healthier for baby and mommy.
And yes I will be breast feeding


Wow that is scary. I hope I never have to have one. But if I do I guess I will see if they will throw in a tummy tuck

Adam had to have his cord cut when just his head was out, it was choking him too and hmm he is a chatter box as well.


Thanks Meg


that is one nasty nickname, I bet it gave him trouble when dating


awe sorry Barb, I have another sinus infection if that makes you feel better.


Thank you everyone. We are just sleeping a lot and I am on a lot of pain meds. Thanks Barb for keeping everyone updated. Malec is already 2oz over birth weight and is doing great. Breast is best

So how would everyone pronounce Malec?


yep Think Alec Baldwin and add an M, just checking. Some idiots are already trying to pronounce it Maleek which I hate and was trying to avoid by spelling it Malec.


LOL, Just seeing all this, Bala this is for you
Yes I love being a mom, and I also always wanted 4, planned or not. Malec will be 2 Jan 6th and baby # 3 is due X-mas day.
This God Willing this will also be my 3rd Boy.
Bala I think I remember that you are an only child and I think all of us understand why.


Of course I would not mind having a girl but I am having another boy according to the ultra sound. Believe it or not we cannot choose the sex of our children yet and I am not sure I would want to if science made that available. Also babies are made when a mommy and daddy love each other very much. women don't swallow baby pills that make a baby grow in their bellies, nor do storks bring them and you cannot order them online. Just in case you didn't know. for the rest of this talk go ask your mom.


Absolutely we are full service!


I can see where that might confuse someone. God willing meaning I have a healthy baby and I already know it is a boy.


Awe thanks everyone! My hubby and Adam come back from Tunisia Tomorrow! they have been gone a month.

