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Heroes Season 2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply #103 roca's post

Well Ro Ca, thanks for the link.  I just watched the animation and found it interesting.  I might even start from the beginning.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #99 akulkarni's post

Well l've finally gotten round to watching Heroes again and after what seemed to be a  higgledy piggeldy start, it seems it might be getting back on track.

I purposely read all the previous posts in this thread before I've posted to see if my thoughts matched any others.  I was completely surprised to find that Hiros hero Kensei was an Englishman and that he had the power he had.  I thought perhaps he'd had the power of speed to help him avoid his attackers in feudal Japan but I think the power of selfhealing tops that.

I also thought it was good to see that the powers can evolve from what they originally manifest themselves as alla Parkman, from mindreading to mind manipulation. Its a little like the power Eden had to make you do what she suggested.

My biggest disappointment was where they restarted the new season.  Four months on with nary a mention as to what happened in Kirby Plaza other than Candace/Michelle rescuing Sylar.  If she worked for the company, why did Bob (Goldfinger) say he was dead?  Nathans reflected face must be as a result of what happened, why didnt he know what happend to Peter and has he gained a new power for illusion.

I've been left feeling quite confused, its almost been like watching Lost!

As for Adam Monroe, how he came to take up with Peter is anyones guess especialy as he's 200 plus years old.  Talking of Peter, I certainly like to know how he ended up chained up in a container in Cork of all places.  As for Mohinder, when will that guy stop being soooo niaive?

The writing this season has seemed rather disjointed, I saw in a post in another thread that they've made some kind of apology.  Seems the right thing to do.

I know what I've posted wont sit right with most of you but hey - thats what i think so far.  I am looking forward to the next episode though.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #117 silver1978's post

I enjoyed this episode, as has been said, it answered a lot of the questions I had had from the previous season.  

I must say till reading the posts here, I hadnt given a second thought to the possibilty of Kensei being the ancestor of any of the Heroes.  It may turn out to be so but I think its equally as plausible for him not to be.  Remember we know that there are quite a few others out there with no obvious genetic link to each other like Claires birth mother.  It could just be its all about mutations rather than evolution.

Regarding the twins, I think its extraordinary that Maya is so trusting of Sylar and why doesnt Alejandro speak English or was that something the nuns taught Maya.  Also I know Maya told Alejandro she did it but why did the authorities believe him, after all he didnt die either.

One last thing - Bob, he just pops up everywhere doesnt he.  I dont trust or like him, also what will happen when Adam finally comes ionto contact with Hiro again, you know thats gonna be some reunion.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #119 Portagas's post

Yeah I'm having a hard time deciding who is good and who is bad myself.  I agree with you that this season didnt seem as good as the first but they do seem to be getting back on track with the last couple of episodes.  

Claire & Peter can be "killed", remember when Claire had the tree branch stuck in her head and when Peter had the shard of glass in the back of his.  I guess the only way to be sure they are dead is to make sure whatever is stuck in their heads stays there.  Maybe that will be a way to combat Adam should the need arise and something tells me it will.

Bala, I think due to the writers strike, normal seasons episode numbers will probably be curtailed/reduced till its all sorted out.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


This episode ws full of frustration for me.  Mohinder is really beginning to annoy me.  That man couldnt pick the correct nostril on his own nose.  Hasnt he learned that the major decisions he has made throughout this have all been wrong?  He chose to take on Sylar alone and we all know how that ended up.  Then he decides to go "under cover" within the "Company" only to betray HRG.  He now thinks he has his death on his hands and for what, they still didnt get Claire.  I was surprised to find that they'd used Claires blood to revive HRG, heaven only knows what they've got in store for him. I'm glad it wasnt the last we've sen of him.

So Hiro now knows it was Kensei/Adam who killed his father.  thats gonna be an interesting meeting when it happens.  It was good that he got to spend some time with his father and to know how proud he was of him.  

As for Parkman, his apparent inability to look at a bigger picture, putting his own personal wants and needs aside may yet prove to be his downfall.
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trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #141 imarielle626's post

Hmm thats an interesting thought but probably not.  Little Micah as two parents with powers and therefore a bloodline from both. He exhibits up to now, totally different abilities all of his own.

As for Nathan, I've been wondering about him.  Adams blood clearly healed the surface of his body but ocassionaly we wil see him with a reflection that is more inkeeping of how he would have looked without the Adam transfusion.  Is that the true state of him or is it more of a "in his minds eye" view that we get to see.

As for Elle - I'm not sure if I dislike her but I do as SirAlan said see an opportunity for her to turn in her beliefs as things progress.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply #163 waterlilybarb's post

Arrgh arrgh arrgh - thats for Mohinder being his stupid niaive self.  Arrgh arrgh arrgh thats for Peter for being his stupid niaive self. Arrgh arrgh arrgh aarrgghh thats for Maya for being a stupid niaive doofus.

This was an episode of W's for me.  Whats, whys & wills.  What on earth have they kept HRG alive for, seeing as though they thought he was so dangerous to them.  Why have they pretended to let Claire live a "normal" life but still have Elle keep an eye on her?  Why did Adam want to klll everyone 30 years ago and what will he do to Peter when Peter finally realises what he's up to..

As for Maya, she's so gonna get it  from Sylar.  To believe a stranger over your own brother - jeez..

I do hope that Monica is ok.  Hopefully some of those ninja moves she saw the last episode will come in handy and she can make good her escape.  I've a funny feeling though it wil be Nikki/Jessica who ends up coming to the rescue.

In true Heroes form, the episode ended with an arrgh, Hiro & Peter pitted against each other.  Will Peter blast Hiro into oblivion or will Hiro blink out in time to be saved? I'll tell you another thing, I dont think that Adam is really frozen.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply 174#174 waterlilybarb's post

Well I've just finished watching and there are probably just as many questions left to be asnwered as before.  As I thought, Nikki came to Monicas rescue (with a little help from Micah locating her). Oh Barb, didnt DL die by being shot by the guy who was trying to pick up Nikki's alter ego Gina and not in a fire.  Is she even dead, they cant leave poor Micah an orphan can they.

I really thought Elle was going to see her father for what he is but at the end of the day she still seems to be a daughter  looking for the approval of Daddy.  I dont get why they didnt use Claires blood to heal her gunshot wound.  I would have done and it would have made her fully operational.  Also, I know what happened to Nathan, but if he has Adams blood running around his veins would what happened to him be permanent..

What genius of Hiro to spirit Adam away to where he did.  My worry is that someone might hear him, dig him up and proclaim him some kind of deity (which he already thinks he is)

As for Sylar, heavens above, the world better brace itself now he's got his powers back.  Will he be just like before and hunt down as many people with powers that he can or has he got even more sinister plans.

I guess I'll have to wait until chapter 3.  This sure is a slow way to read a "book".
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply 177#177 roca's post

I'm not sure I believe it was Angela who ordered the shooting of Nathan.  I know she told Parkman to kill Peter if need be but that was in order to stop him from releasing the Shanti virus.  She knew that if it got out then it would be the whole world that was at stake rather than a genetically modified few.   

The guy walking away when all the ensuing panic was going on after the shooting did seem to have the swagger of HRG about him as he left.  It would be just the kind of thing the "Company" would get him to do to bring him fully back into the fold.

As for Mayas "survival", that was indeed unfortunate.  Her power doesnt seem to have any plus sides to it.  i know she doesnt need Alejandro to control/stop it now (just as well seeing as Sylar killed him) but what use is it, unless she can target individuals with it?

I think the reason we havent been told the powers of the original "Company" members is that the writers havent decided yet - they will assign each a power as the plot drives it.

So Chapter 3 is going to be called Villans - I guess it figures, if you have good people with powers, there has to be nmore than just Sylar who will be bad.  It will be interesting to see who they are and how they develop.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply 185#185 imarielle626's post

I'm not sure its ever said that Sylar eats a persons brain in order to get their ability.  It was always my impression that because he has the ability to "see" how a thing works, that was how he was able to get the ability from those he killed.  I just thought that by taking the tops of their heads off it gave him easier access to study the part of the brain that shows how the ability works.

But hey, they're devilish these people at Heroes central, when all is said and done he probably just has to touch the brain for the power to be transfered - who knows.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!


Reply 188#188 imarielle626's post

I know Barb said Tim Kring has said Sylar eats the brains but as i dont recalled ever having seen any evidence of him tucking into that "sweetbread", I think its more fun thinking up the different ways he obtains the abilities and how he may "dispose" of the brains afterwards.

There's still so much we dont know about him for instance, when/who did he get the ability to cut open peoples heads without touching them from?  My latest theory is that once he cuts the top of the heads off and exposes the brain so he can see how the ability works, he somehow absorbs the brain thus leaving no trace behind for forensics at the crime scene and no need to show him with blood dripping around his mouth.
trulee - Red is better than Blue, We're the CHAMPIONS so it's TRUE!!

