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viewing log

viewing log

I'm not sure where this goes but I am having a terrible time with the
viewing log.
Every page, up until it won't load any more pages shows One
I can't check where I left off last night.
There are at least a hundred listings for the same show.
Please look into this and try to get it fixed.
I used the viewing log a lot...or I did before the change over. Now
it's very frustrating.
Thanks in advance for repairing this issue.
Things Change


Reply 1#1 suzannasinister's post

I think others have had issues too. I'm not sure why, but it seems to log each episode numerous times while viewing. I've been a member since right near the start of the site, and before we had viewing logs, I used to send myself a PM telling myself which episode number to watch next - of any of the shows I watched on the site. I know that's not ideal, but it made it easy to find my list. I honestly don't know if they are trying to fix this issue, which is why I'm passing on a tip that worked for me years ago. lol
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1#1 suzannasinister's post

Every time you pause the video, it will register as an additional play. Now that I think about it, it probably is registering every time the "play" button is pressed as a fresh play. It won't cost anything more, but it sure does eat up the viewing log space. This complaint has been noted since the changeover last year, but Edward doesn't seem to consider it worth fixing. Good to see you still around, Barb.

