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This Weeks TV Schedule up to Sunday, January 22nd 2017

Reply 3#3 codebreaker's post

   Oh, Jim- say it isn't so. I just returned after a 10 day absence and find that you are leaving. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse! First, Donald Trump is sworn in as President. and now this. I can only hope when you wrote about this being your last post ".for a while" that you left the back door open for a visit back some day. We both joined viptv within a week of each other, back in September of 2007. Your exit is a major loss for all of us here, and is the ultimate confirmation of the damages done by lbjedward and the gang at Zhuhai Yingxun Keji, Ltd., the parent firm who controls viptv, tvlinks, tvfull, todaynic Inc, Friendvista and others. 
   You Moderators are like Founding Fathers (and Mothers) on this site. I can only hope that I'll wake one morning soon from a dream and find that Trump is gone and you have returned. In the meantime, do drop us a postcard or stop by to visit. We already miss you. May your health be strong, your relationships fulfilling and boredom always at arms length. I await the next encounter. In the meantime, I'll continue to write and rant, upwards, and without regret.

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that when hovering  over our usernames (on the left of our posts), when the popup bio info appears, that they have removed the "year" data on our 'registration' and 'last post' dates. Weird. Conspiracy theories, anyone?
[ Last edited by mrtimdillenbeck at 1-20-2017 19:28 ]

