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Brothers & Sisters Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

With Rebbeca not being a siste rand her dating the younger brother does put a spin on things. I had a feeling they would do that but they didn't have to write in where she would become a new family member.

I do not like Holly she is really a witch trying to stir up drama instead of leaving things alone. Nora needs a boyfriend her dating made it seem like she was really able to move on from her husband dying.


I can't believe they did that to Sole,  I thought he was in the clear that should be interesting to see how the family overcomes this obstacle.

I knew something was fishy about Robert, they did write it well and poor Kitty single mom now.


Originally posted by shinny at 5-15-2010 14:19  
I think it's a bit far-fetched what they did with Saul actually.

Rob Lowe plays a dead guy a little too well!! Not too much of a shocker as we all expected this to happen.
His eyes wide open and not moving was freaky.


Originally posted by bala at 5-15-2010 23:52  
Yes it does seem a bit far-fetched that Sal has not any symptoms for 30 years but the doctor did say it was possible but if he hadn't gotten tested he would not of known. The writer really needed to g ...
They might do a flashback story like they did with Kevin (how he punched out the first boy he kissed)

Saul, having aids or living with hiv will be interesting, they might show him having symtoms if they put him on the cocktail, but I have ment women who have lived with aids since the 80s and seem healthy as a clam.  If she didn't tell me I would never have known.


Originally posted by bala at 5-16-2010 10:02  
Yes that was revealed few episodes back but it's great of the writers to  name it narrow lake as double meaning
They said William like puzzles, even with the password for his Ojai stuff was the initials of all his children. Just not Rebbeca.

I wonder if they will bring back in the bastard son. We should start guessing if Kevin's baby will be a boy or girl.  I am hoping for a boy

[ Last edited by minnieholly at 5-18-2010 10:24 ]


speaking of babies, isn't Sara suppose to be pregnant or was it a false alarm


Originally posted by codebreaker at 5-18-2010 11:49  
I would think they didn't go deep enough
I don't think they went deep enough. plus the first dig they didnt want to spend alot of money, remember this dig Nora paid for it so I guess they were paying by the depth of the dig.


This one actually keep me motivated to keep watching Brothers and Sisters I was almost getting a bit bored, but good thing is their family dinners always have some big secret coming out.  

Tommy being enggaged was a big suprise but it good to see he is putting his life back in order

Nora and Brody and the marriage certificate ooh I can't wait to see how that comes out.


This whole Brody thing is really stirring up some interest. I was a bit board with the show for a bit All because of Tommy's girlfriend stirring up trouble

and Kevin and Scotty I wonder about that baby it could be theirs

