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Points awards activity: post your suggestions and advices for new site here

New Site

I am not sure when the changed happened! Frankly, I looked for your site and thought I lost you, because I did NOT recognize the new site and did not know there were upgrades being made. Also, I wasn't happy to see the points necessary for each show has increased either, but such is life.
1) absolutely wasn't recognizable. For those who don't watch ALL THE TIME - you might have a banner that says New Layout or something to that affect. But the black background was easier on the eyes. Too much white, things get lost!
2) more a TV show site, so the movies now overshadow this. With the rankings of them too.
3) when i clicked on the TV link, it would be great if there was some organization there, besides genre. Alphabetical listing as before is helpful.
4) New Shows Added is helpful!
Thank you again!

