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Apple tv stopped working

Have you reset your Apple TV and also switched your iPad on and off? This happens to me sometimes and normally if I restart the Apple TV the icon comes back.


Did you update your iPad to iOS 8 recently? I know some people have had issues since they upgraded. Also, have you checked to make sure you have the most up to date version of Apple TV? That might require an update. The other thing you can try is to mirror your iPad to apple TV. Instructions here:


Try this....

If you don't see the AirPlay icon in Control Center: 1. Turn off router, Apple TV and iPad 2. Turn on router and then wait 30 seconds for it to complete start-up process 3. Turn on Apple TV and then wait 30 seconds for it to complete start-up process 4. Turn on iPad and test AirPlay


Maybe post on the apple forum here:


Reply 9#9 Renagle's post

It isn't a VIPtv issue if the icon is not showing up on the browser, it's a browser issue. You are watching youtube via the app so it's not going to be the same issue as the browser. Have you been able to watch any other videos / sites via your browser through apple tv? As I mentioned above, this seems to be a problem for some who have upgraded to the new iOS 8. I have just tested viptv via my iPhone and it's working fine. I've also tested it on the iPad and it's working fine too. The only other thing I can suggest is you try another browser. It could be a safari issue. Download the Chrome app and see if that makes any difference.


Reply 12#12 barry74's post

Barry, I meant to ask you. Are you getting the icon for other sites (not youtube)? Maybe try this for me it's from our sister site, movieonline. It's a free movie so you don't have to pay. I'm just interested to see if the icon comes up for that... You'll have to sign up, but it's free to sign up and only take a few minutes. I'll see if I can find anything else on this and post here anything that looks like it might work!!


Also, did you do the newest update to iOS 8.1 or just 8.0? I'm wondering if 8.1 will fix it seeing as a lot of people had the issue.


Reply 15#15 barry74's post

Very strange. Can you try it at another location? I just wonder if it's your router. So if you tested it at friends place or on public free wifi and the icon does come back it must be something to do with your router.

