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Apple tv stopped working

I am also very frustrated by loss of AirPlay on the viptv. However, the youtube AirPlay icon still works so this is a VIPtv issue. We have 3 iPads and saw the icon missing on the first 2 after the latest update. I waited on the 3rd update as I saw this right away, but my husband had this ipad and updated it. Between this and the requirement for visa from MasterCard, it's been a unhappy month after so many great years. At least I have a lot of points left before having to figure out a new payment scheme.


Apple TV works again

Hi, all! On your iPad screen, take your fingers and swipe up from the bottom to open some features. You will see AIRDROP and APPLETV. The apple tv was switched over to airdrop and must have happened during the recent updates. Once I switched back to APPLETV, the AirPlay choice works again! Yahoo!!!! You tube videos work again as well. Incredible! Now to watch VIPTV back to where we were used to-----on our 51" television screen! Edit: to clarify just a bit [ Last edited by Renagle at 1-7-2015 23:25 ] [ Last edited by Renagle at 1-7-2015 23:26 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks for posting that helpful tip! 1-7-2015 15:09

