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PS4 compatible VIPTV

PS4 compatible VIPTV

I would just like to mention that it would be nice if VIPTV weren't so flash reliant,
It is however possible to view viptv on the PS4-sytem if you enter the the mobile-
version website.

I would just really love to be able to use the ordinary website, when using my PS4,
because I think most people can imagine how difficult it is to navigate a mobile version
website(extremely small text!) on your tv..

You should be able to overcome this FLASH trouble quite easily, it is not like everone,
but youtube and pornhub have'nt overcome this problem.

I Really hope you change this in the future so it is possible to use the regular
website instead of the mobile version on the PS4. Despite this Little hickup
I love the entire viptv setup and everything, have thoroughly enjoyed using
this service for more than two years now, thank you.

best regards


