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The Widower (ITV) General Discussion (Spoilers)

The Widower (ITV) General Discussion (Spoilers)

The Widower Premiered on ITV on  March 17, 2014

The Widower is a crime drama series broadcast on itv. Over a thirteen year period Malcolm Webster poisons and murders his first wife and then tries to do the same thing to his second wife before moving on to a new scheme to deceive his new fiancée.


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1x01 Episode 1

Malcolm's wedding speech made him sound like a spoilt brat but Claire's face when he brought an antique clock was surprising and what ever he gave the child in hospital was powerful so you just knew he would use it on Claire to stop her nagging over money, Claire booking an appointment at the doctors forced his hand as the blood tests would prove she was drugged but talk about a close call when someone scene him crash the car and setting it on fire while they went for a tow truck was evil but he played the grieving widow well, waiting three year to marry again was a surprise as he got away with it so easy the first time but if Felicity wasn't pregnant she would of been killed on the cliffs and setting fire to his home was a little predictable



1x02 Episode 2

What a stroke of luck Felicity was conscious enough to smell the smoke but I didn't realise it was her parents home he set on fire and thank God they figured out what he was up to before he had chance to kill her but running away was predictable and waiting another five years was impressive as he has now set his sights on Simone but faking cancer to get her affection was despicable



1x03 Episode 3

Using the harbour master to contact Simone was a stroke of luck as Malcolm had sabotaged her life jacket but getting arrested fifteen years after Claire's death was great as it was all thanks to his failed attempt at killing Felicity

