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What is everyone watching? 2014

My top shows at the moment are:

The Good Wife
Blue Bloods
Almost Human
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Star Crossed
Black Sails

I think you'll like Marvel's and Star Crossed if your into Sci-Fi type shows. Marvels is probably more drama/action, with a side of sci-fi.

[ Last edited by shinny at 3-15-2014 22:38 ]


Reply 8#8 arksongbird80's post

Haha, black sails is a bit full on alright. It reminds me a bit of True Blood for the gratuitous parts!! But if you look beyond that, it's a pretty good storyline.

Oh Vikings, forgot that. It was actually filmed in my home town and my brother in law is in parts of it!!

I find Star Crossed nice to watch when I don't want to challenge my brain too much!!

I was the same with Helix. Really tried to watch it and couldn't get into it.

Has anyone watched True Detective yet? I've watched the first 2 episodes and I can't decide whether I really like it or really hate it!! It's certainly different.


It's a bit like Broadchurch I think. It's quite dark though, but I'll stick it out!!

