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European servers?

European servers?

Hi, I've been using VIP Tv for some time, and remember the server location having choices for European or American servers.  Now that I find myself in Europe again, I cannot access any shows - is this because there is no longer a European server or am I doing something wrong?  It comes up as Not Found in the player every time, every show.  lease help!  Thank you. 


Reply 1#1 AmyGordon's post

It make no difference where you are or which server you use as I normally use Europe server but if streaming not found appearer I use the other


Reply 1#1 AmyGordon's post

Jim is correct. Your location doesn't really matter when it comes to which server to use. You can use either. I generally use whichever one seems to be faster on the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

