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The Blacklist Season 1-3 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 7#7 bala's post

maybe I misunderstood, but I actually thought it was confirmed somewhere in the episode, while he was still in the box and she was sitting close to him.
Especially since he afterwards says 'you may find it easier then you think' when refering to thinking as a criminal.
The husband being a spy or a crook, I didn't see it coming, but it does explain why Reddington had the other guy go after him and I guess he actually meant for it to happen this way as he seems to have planned everything in advance. I think they'll use this to show how she tries to deal with it as he is still her husband and on a ventilator so she can't ask him about it. I don't think he's out of the picture yet, they just made it more interesting.


Reply 9#9 bala's post

Well, cause he walked out on her and her mom a long time ago and he was never around and she blames him for that. But I agree after watching the promo for the next episode that it wasn't confirmed. But I'm still pretty sure he is.


Reply 14#14 bala's post

The figurine on the box, does it look like her burn to you? I keep wondering if it is a 'present' from him to her with her burn as some kind of key, but maybe I watched to many movies..

