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Wentworth (SoHo) General Discussion (Spoilers)

2x09 The Fixer

Ferguson wanting Doreen to blame Will for her being pregnant is devious especially after Bea's ex's allegation but if she don't I cant see her loosing it after a beating and what a price Bea paid for suggesting she gets her drugs from Franky, Rose being the innocent victim in Ferguson war against will was sad but making Will think it was Harry was impressive


2x10 Jail Birds

Ferguson catching the supervisor grabbing Rachel's ass should help to protect her job but him using ex cons to run a brothel was surprising and the way Bea stopped her from making the phone call was amusing, Sophie was lucky her mother was keeping an eye on her


2x11 Into the Night

I thought Bea was going to escape using Fletcher's access card but taking Franky down like Ferguson wanted and making sure she needed hospital treatment was a brilliant plan to escape and now she can get justice for her daughter


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

It was great escape plan


Wentworth S02E12

What an idiot after she got talked down all he had do was look like he was sorry but smile when he thought it was going free got him killed and Ferguson have hit man take out Fletch was predictable and crazy. Franky welcoming bea by making her top dog was a surprised


2x12 Fear Her

The police should of had Debbie's grave watched as it was obvious Bea would go there and Matthew confronting Ferguson was asking for trouble but Bea blowing his brains out after he smiled was great as he was to arrogant for his own good and becoming Queen Bea was predictable




What a way to prove to the governor she run the prison and not her and Bea look like she's going one hell of a queen B if that what she does on her first day after getting life imprisonment with no chance of parole.


3x01 The Governor's Pleasure

Bea's escape putting Ferguson's job in jeopardy was karma and the fact she's got life she has nothing to loose but Ferguson putting Liz's life in danger will only make things worse for her with another attack on her watch won't look good for her bosses and Bea will want revenge


Reply 69#69 codebreaker's post

Only Frankie would be sick enough put drugs in a chicken


Failing Upwards

Bea getting retribution on Boomer was well deserved but i think she has crossed the line putting Frankie out of business because it look like she has put target on Frankie back


3x03 Knives Out

Liz being worried about her daughter after the visit was normal


3x04 Righteous Acts

I should seen that coming liz's daughter in the same prison as her was a bad wake up call but at least they can have some family time but Frankie getting her drunk was priceless after the rescue her from those women .


3x05 Mercy

Not much happened in this episode but Bea and Frankie working together take the governor down was interesting.


3x06 Evidance

This can't end up well going and reporting the Governor to her bosses will bad consequences for the inmate and i don't think Bea has any idea what she is capable of to save her job.


3x07 The Long Game

Bea being made look like she''s crazy thanks to the governor was evil just so she can protect her job. . I can't believe Frankie confess to her about killing Jackson but to make matter worse the governor has her confession on tape  .Liz has fallen off the wagon with her alcoholism but i am curious who sneak it to her in her cell.


3x08 Goldfish

So we finally find out who that man is it's her father .


3x12 Blood and Fire

Sorry i fell behind on this and so much happened in past couple of episodes that i didn't want spoil it so i just going season finale so if you haven't watch it you should stop reading.

The governor has gone completely crazy and i can't believe they got her i am so happy i never expected her to be that crazy. .


3x02 Failing Upwards

Bea ordering a pizza part as a way of asserting her dominance as top dog was a little lame and you have to feel for Liz after her visit with her daughter but getting justice for her attack was brutal


3x03 Knives Out

Franky's minions allowing her to get attacked for the drug supply cut proves her power base has gone but only having one hour to get some is going to be challenging and getting herself solitary to save her own neck was amusing and Liz's daughter wanting answers was understandable

