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Android Full Screen problems

Reply 20#20 minkeygirl's post

Thanks for the comment. Minkeygirl is right, this will work on the desktop site as Android applications aren't impacted by Flash limitations that the apple iPhone/iPad/iTouch are. So, it's not an ideal solution, but it will work as it always has. We still need to figure out why there is no functionality to widen the screen on the mobile version, for Android users. So hopefully Admin will be back with us on this shortly.


still haveing this problem

I have a nexus 7 and still can't get the full screen.....please help


Reply 22#22 claytonstokes's post

Please try the suggestion made in the post quoted.
Originally posted by minkeygirl at 4-28-2013 04:05 Hi all, As the previous posters say, it doesn't work if you view in "Mobile for VIPTV.NET" view. However if you switch to "Desktop" at the bottom of the main page and then play a show, you can expand to full screen view as you would on a desktop (at least you can on my Nexus 7). It's a bit fiddly as the play / expand / navigation bar at the bottom of the page is very small. I view in Firefox (not Chrome) with the Adobe Flash Player APK installed.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi, I have tried the desktop and it doesn't work on my galaxy note. Says something about flash not supported on my device. Is there something I need to install?


Reply 24#24 balina76's post

Can you access the mobile site with your Galaxy Note? It's m.viptv.net. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure. I don't have a tablet and if they are all different, I'd suggest doing some searches yourself about how to watch Flash videos on your specific device. Might be that you can use a different browser like dolphin or puffin.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


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