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Streaming issues

Streaming Speeds

Hello, I have been using VIPTV for a number of years now and have always been very satisfied with the service. Over the past month or two, however, I've been finding serious problems with my streaming speeds. Almost every episode I've tried to watch (Regardless of how old the series is or which episode I'm watching) is barely loading. I can leave programmes for nearly its full running time and it will only be about a fifth of the way through at best. Often, it just stops trying to stream after a little bit. This has only recently happened and I have changed absolutely nothing on my end. I have this issue on the EU and US server. Any other video streaming website I use does not have this issue either, just the VIPTV flash player. If anyone has advice on how I can fix this problem I'm more than happy to accept it. I just want to get back to enjoying the shows that come up.

