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School Spirits (Syfy) Season 1 General Discussion (Spoilers)

School Spirits (Syfy) Season 1 General Discussion (Spoilers)

School Spirits Premiered on Syfy on June 20, 2012

Mark Burnett, Jarrett Creative and the Syfy cable TV network are seeking high school and college students as well as alumni who have come face to face with paranormal activity on their school campuses. If you have had a first-hand experience with ghosts, hauntings or other unexplained phenomena in your classrooms... In your dorm... In locker rooms or on athletic fields... We may want to tell your story and recreate it on television. Faculty and parents are also encouraged to share their stories with us.  


Discuss Anything About School Spirits Here




i thought this was tv series until i realise it was documentry series . Man you sure love realty tv.

[ Last edited by bala at 7-3-2012 14:21 ]


1x01 Sorority House Terror

The girl about to eat maggots after the other girl found them under the bin was sick and the bats hanging from the hall ceiling was creepy, the girls holding a haunted house fund raiser was brave considering what has been going on and Kristen being thrown out of her bed with full force you would think would of sent her running



1x02 Dorm Room Nightmare

I'm not surprised that Chris was creped out when his  tape recorder kept turning on all by itself but his father telling him to Change his room after spending just one night there was interesting



1x03 Collision Curse-Deadly Dorm Games

Case #1
Victoria describing what happened driving home from a date during her senior year was scary and still moved to tears twenty years later but describing what what the guy was wearing matched what a guy was wearing when he died on that road was interesting

Case #2
Now that what you call karma after the guys played pranks on the girls and then the tables were turned when the electronic equipment in their room started behaving outrageously



1x04 Ghostly Girls’ School

Dani first encountered late at night in the bathroom was creepy and then on another night Sara walking the hall alone she heard footsteps right behind her was interesting as Dani hadn't told anyone of her encounter but they share their stories and found out it was the college founder's daughter, Daisy but both of the seeing the black shadow at the bottom of the spare bed was incredible



1x05 Campus Warning Signs

Rebecca asking Stephanie to go and meet the ghost after her roommate told her that she had seen the same ghost that was haunting her which was interesting and considering her roommate was sleeping in the hall, the spirit of the little girl pushing Stephanie down the stairs was creepy considering something also pushed Rebecca's mother down the stairs and then Rebecca's friend Kevin also starting to see the ghost of the bloody woman was incredible



1x06 Frat House Phantom

Justin the Skeptical big brother deciding to make a show of calling out the so-called ghosts was amusing considering he was scared afterwards and on a separate night Daniel noticed a fraternity paddle had fallen from the wall but when he tried to touch it, it moves across the room and then another paddle flew off the wall right at him, the Ouija board moving on it's own was freaky especially when the door slammed shut

