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The Mob Doctor Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

THE MOB DOCTOR - Behind the Scenes: Series Premiere


THE MOB DOCTOR - Preview #1 & 2


THE MOB DOCTOR - Linkin Park "Burn It Down" Music Video


This has just been added and not a bad opening episode i am glad she made the right call but finding out it was plan from her uncle was surprise ending and knowing he responsible for her dad death was a nice surprise.


Family Secrets

Well the second episode was ok but brother working for him is going to make Grace mad after all she has done for him . I did find putting the dead patient in cupboard rather amusing for some reason but you can see Grace world is certainly going to collapse because eventually she will do something that she can't take back   .


THE MOB DOCTOR - Grace Divulges Nate's Secret

[ Last edited by bala at 9-30-2012 20:00 ]


Protect and Serve

Well Grace finding out the person who killed her patient was a cop and that there's a bigger picture with his raid on drug lords but than finding out it was all payback for guy Constantine got arrested. She did the right thing but her family get deeper and deeper into his pocket. Her nurse friend has no idea how much trouble she in. It can't go on forever.


Change of Heart

Wow who would thought that his friend being hospital would save his life with spinal fluid coming out of the friend face. Grace giving the mother a plane ticket would made Constantine mad but he seems not to be upset since he got what he wanted and look like now old bad guy is back but what a way for him to come back . I am surprised other mob guy didn't have his daughter protected leaving her to be vulnerable  



Well i am glad grace knew where to draw the line but like always she wasn't surprise Constantine found a way to kill him but she really goes beyond to save the patient by morphine her into sleeping   .



I am glad Grace managed to get message to Constantine despite being kidnapped


Turf War

Well this something i never seen in my years of watching a hospital show a doctor replace a bullet in dead patient body for the bullet she got shot with. I found it interesting her friend allowed her to do it with her help. She really is a good friend but that's one hell of a frame job Grace did.


Fluid Dynamics

Well look like Grace really is caught in the middle but Constantine finding out Grace help his enemy should be intresting. I don't think he will hurt her but she definitely feel something because he has various way of making her suffer and i have feel it's her brother that will pay the price .


THE MOB DOCTOR - All-New Episodes Promo



Well finding priest had rabies when he thought he was processed was amusing. Grace helping her brother out but she got surprised when he kill someone in cold blood without caring. Grace ans Franco are now a couple ?


Sibling Rivalry

Grace brother is like leech no matter how hard she tries help him he get himself into all sort of situation but this one with the horse was rather ridiculous. Constino Bomb threat was interesting but defuse it was rather surprising since i didn't know he knew how to do that.



Well talk about a cliffhanger i had feeling Constantine was hiding something from grace but her being his daughter was a surprise but with both of them gunned down it should be interesting to see how she will find out.


Life and Death

I have to i liked the way they ended the season/Series  


Reply 56#56 codebreaker's post

It did look like a happy ending for Grace rather than a cliffhanger ?

