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Longmire Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

2x10 Election Day

I'm glad Walt realised his mistake when he left his booty call and that quick glim's of the icepick did make you think that it was going to be a murder weapon at some point but Cady being hit by a hit-and-run-driver while changing a tyre was a surprise and the driver was lucky considering Walt was the one who arrested him but finding out about the driver drunk father made thing interesting and it looks like the icepick was used to punctured the tyre


2x11 Natural Order

Cady pretending to have amnesia  was amusing and the death of the game warden was tragic as the killer was only trying to save his wife when stopped him


2x12 A Good Death is Hard to Find

I'm not surprised Vic's paranoia peaked when she suspects she is being stalked especially after the teeth marks in the soap but Lizzie getting the wrong idea was embarrassing and the cop dropping his GPS watch in the truck was quick thinking


2x13 Bad Medicine

The apparent suicide being connected to Cady's accident was interesting but Vic willing to confess to Ed's beating just to take the blame off Walt was understandable and another season finale cliffhanger


Testing Courage: The Storm Defines the Man

Nice insight to the series and what they are looking for in season 3


3x01 The White Warrior

Branch being given an hallucinogenic made it tough to identify his attacker and as soon as the deputy walked through the ashes after Walt lost the evidence I knew he would get it from the boots


Reply 81#81 bala's post

Your post #1 is a little out of date as we are half way through the third season


Reply 82#82 codebreaker's post

If that was me I would of dropped the season as you will have to come back every year, like

American Horror Story
Saving Hope
Magic City
Winners & Losers
Call Me Fitz

which are all out of date

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 7-5-2014 10:59 ]


3x02 Of Children and Travelers

The young Russian girl taking a photos of the drivers didn't help to keep her alive but the guy in the last photo being the killer would of been to obvious


3x03 Miss Cheyenne

Cady needing help from an old friend with Henry's bail hearing was interesting as it was obvious the Judge wasn't keen on giving him bail and Branch writing a check to cover the shortfall was surprising


3x04 In the Pines

So much for the teenage campers being alone but the Deputy not knowing where to look while they were at it was amusing and Walt using the hand cuffs while rescuing the girl was quick thinking


3x05 Wanted Man

Branch being Travis's alibi was ironic as they were the two guys they were looking for and David still being alive was a little predictable but from the look of him not for much longer


3x06 Reports of My Death

Henry doing his own investigation was great but he should of known he would be missed when his tracker was left behind at the bar and the rich killing the imposter for his share of the inheritance was sickening


3x07 Population 25

Of all the places for Vic and Sean to have an accident and go for help and Walt making an unusual alliance to rescue the pair was surprising but it was lucky he was stalking her and not firing before he asked if he killed his wife made sense but I didn't trust his answer


3x08 Harvest

It's a good job the raccoon took the farmers foot as without the foot they wouldn't of known his body was near by and Nick not willing to give the family time to grieve over the murder was cruel but made him less of a suspect over the murder and making his suicide look like murder for the insurance was an interesting twist


3x09 Counting Coup

The deputy complaining about his desk was amusing and letting Branch's father take him from jail was disappointing but at leased he made up for his mistake by recording the confession


3x10 Ashes to Ashes

Vic catching the punch meant for Nighthorse was unfortunate but the 14 minute autopsy being the detectives downfall along with the feather was great, looks like Branch's father was responsible for the death of Walt's wife but will he live to pay the price

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 10-4-2016 20:42 ]


4x01 Down by the River

Vic deleting her voice message on Walt's machine was amusing and glad Henry stopped Walt from killing the wrong man but Branch's father leaving a fake suicide note on Branch's computer and the text on his phone was diabolical but great alibi


4x02 War Eagle

Caleb fighting in a nappy with a blonde wig on was bizarre and Henry continuing Hectors work is great but Shiori being responsible for the caretakers death was surprising


4x03 High Noon

Barlow being drunk at the wheel of his car would be understandable under normal circumstances but he is doing a great job of covering up he's a cold blooded killer and Cady's job offer sounded to good to be true, Cady' trying to get information out of Barlow was taking a risk but Barlow trying to frame Walt for shooting at Nighthorse's place was unbelievable

