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The Bedford Diaries (OLD SHOW) General Discussion

1x08 Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Interesting topic for the finale episode and Natalie refusing to let Owen stay with her for a few days is bound to push them apart but Zoe lying about loosing her virginity was predictable considering you want want anyone to know he was a flop and Lee loosing all his scholarship money i seen coming. Natalie and Owen suicide hot-line role-play was bound to be destructive and it's a good job Sarah found out her former lover was still sleeping with other students


Reply 20#20 codebreaker's post

Well i think most guy would be jealous but mattress situation was awful i actually thought they killed him until he arrived at the hospital but using to save the hospital was great   . I am glad owen quit gambling at the end before he got himself into too much trouble


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

I have say i liked how they ended it with all videos and there really wasn't any cliffhanger which was nice.


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