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Smash Season 1-2 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 40#40 codebreaker's post

I suppose your right but i bet the tip would been higher with them singing.


Reply 41#41 bala's post

It would of been nice to show some sort of appreciation other than a round of applause


Reply 42#42 codebreaker's post

Well i thought it was nice round of applause since when is that a bad thing ?




Karen was lucky she was chosen as the understudy but it should be interesting to see uma thurman guest star




1x10 Understudy

I'm glad Karen was chosen as the understudy but it was short lived and Ivy's reaction was predictable but Rebecca Duvall not turning up in the first place was terrible and Dev hitting Derek was great but I cant see them lasting much longer


1x11 The Movie Star

You would of thought they would of checked Rebecca could sing before offering her the part but everyone agreeing about the vocal coach was amusing


1x12 Publicity

What a turn around for Karen's relationship with Dev after the last two episodes and being seduced by the glamorous life of new BFF Rebecca I would of thought would rock the boat but the restaurant daydream was interesting, Julia panicking when her son Leo goes missing was predictable but taking two days to realise he lied to both his parents was crazy



Hell On Earth

Well i have say karen boyfriend really come off like a complete fool after kissing his assistant and than going to karen and telling her about it and just when you think he couldn't get even more worst he goes and accidental hit on Ivy but it look like like neither one of them knows about karen which is odd since he has heard Ivy names so many times when karen has complained about her so he knows who she is but it look like Ivy doesn't since she has never met him.

How comes every time Ivy is drunk she able sing a hit song in tune




Well i have to say this was ok episode but Ivy keeping it a secret was surprise but asking her to look for the ring was awful.


1x13 Tech

Dev is such a plank with his guilty proposal after kissing his assistant and then telling Karen but sleeping with Ivy on the rebound was beyond belief


1x14 Previews

Derek saying he's a professional for sleeping with Rebecca was sleazy but did Ivy get her revenge with the peanut oil and of all places for Dev to leave the ring


1x15 Bombshell

I got it wrong about Ivy putting the peanut oil in the drink but Ellis was a surprise and after Derek chose Karen to play the part it was obvious Ivy would tell her about the ring




