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Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness (Nickelodeon) Discussion (Spoilers)

3x06 The Way of the Prawn

Po should be embarrassed as he was beaten by the clam but everyone making fun of him was amusing


3x07 Mouth Off

Shifu suggesting that Po should take a vow of silence was amusing as he couldn't keep his mouth shut until he paralysed his vocal cords but you just knew not talking would have it's own problems


3x08 Serpents Tooth

The serpent saving viper was nice and viper saving the serpent from Po I thought was understandable until it was all a plot to stop the serpent and his plan to poison the water supply


3x09 The Goosefather

The local thugs hanging out at Mr. Ping's noodle shop did make him look like the local crime lord but because of his soup was amusing


3x10 Po Picks a Pocket

Trust Po to befriend the group of orphans as they were the ones who have been stealing money and goods from the villagers


3x11 Croc You Like a Hurricane

Shifu puting Po in charge of training the Furious Five after he grows tired of him complaining was a bad idea as they were fired and replaced with the Croc bandits


3x12 Crazy Little Ling Called Love

Shifu getting back together with his ex-girlfriend, Mei Ling was a surprise and I'm not surprised Po was suspicious but Po being the only to know he was retiring made things awkward


3x13 Kung Fu Club

Shifu wearing a disguise after sending Po to shut down an underground fight club was amusing


3x14 The Hunger Game

Trying to stop the rats from stealing all the food wasn't going to be easy especially with Po stuffing his face but I should of guest she was behind it


3x15 A Stitch in Time

Po using Shuyong seeds for his own advantage was a little predictable as they send him back in time but loosing all his friends after the seeds were taken could of been a disaster


3x16 The Eternal Chord

Po trying to take the easy way out when he's told he's out of harmony with the team was predictable but saving the universe was a surprise


3x17 Apacalypse Yao

You just knew Po would have an accident with the carriage but rolling down the hill was amusing and the cookies having the magical abilities was crazy


3x18 The Real Dragon Warrior

Trust Po to spoil thing for the impostor claiming to be the Dragon Warrior as he was doing no harm in the remote village


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