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Revenge Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

2x12 Collusion

That was a close call when Victoria closed the curtains and Charlotte changing her name should be interesting

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 2-11-2013 15:23 ]


Reply 212#212 codebreaker's post

Yes but with his sister dead Emily better not regret it


2x13 Union

Amanda using the video clips to force Conrad to give Jack his bar back was risky and I half expected him to put a contract on her so giving Jack the bar back was a surprise, Helen underestimating Victoria was a deadly mistake but is bound to have repercussions



Not what I thought would happen
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 217#217 arksongbird80's post

Yep same here Amanda dead and jack in critical condition which certainly perked up the show


2x14 Sacrifice

Looks like Emily will have to get revenge for Amanda's death as well


Reply 219#219 codebreaker's post

Sorry to say but Amanda really asked for that..
I like it that we get to see the difficult side of revenge.. She's showing emotion, the flashback to the juvi place, ...
I actually really liked this episode.
I'm feeling sorry for Jack though.
I'm wondering who they are going to match with whom. I mean, Ems with Aiden and Nolan with his CFO girl or Ems with Jack and Nolan with his CFO guy or Ems with Daniel... Although I don't think I can root for the last option.. He really shouldn't help his parents pin the murder of Helen on Amanda.



Well Emily had every reason to be mad but glad she calmed down before doing something she couldn't reverse but new problem has arisen and i don't know how she's going deal with him


2x15 Retribution

I half expected Charlotte to come out after identifying the body to say it wasn't Amanda but with Amanda gone it will make Emily coming clean a lot harder unless her brother makes things awkward


Reply 224#224 codebreaker's post

He must be her half brother consider he's not white ?


Reply 225#225 bala's post

foster brother isn't he?


Reply 227#227 kellemanske's post

Yep that was explained in next episode


2x16 Illumination

It's was obvious Eli would recognise his sister sooner or later and he could spoil all Emily's plans if he stays around now he knows


2x17 Victory

Eli trying to take down their foster home was interesting but what a revelation at the press conference and putting Padma's life in danger was unfortunate, looking forward to see what Emily does with the latest news


2x18 Masquerade

Emily dragging out Victoria's skeletons was predictable and I thought Victoria was lying about the termination as it will be all in vain for Emily but glad they got Trask for killing Padma



Norland taking down his nemesis in hacking world was amusing consider she was just a smart teen girl but seriously i can't believe she stupid enough to plug that into her laptop if she was as smart as they made her look she would ran through unconnected PC to make sure no spyware.


2x19 Identity

Nolan using a video game to get the Falcon to do what he wants was amusing and what was Charlotte thinking kissing for the cameras but Victoria asking Nolan to find her first born son, Patrick was a surprise


2x20 Engagement

Emily being Daniel's fiancee again was bound to ruffle Victoria's feathers and Aiden hitting the computer key is going to make for an interesting season finale with the Grayson's now being broke


2x21 Truth, Part One

Declan getting set up by Regina was sneaky but at leased he was able to get through to Charlotte and that looks like a catastrophic accident that was some how planed



What an explosive two episode so many revelations but who would though he was initiative that was a surprise i didn't see coming.

