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Web Therapy

1x01 Click To Start

Fiona saying you don't have to dress for therapy would be amusing if somebody took her literally considering it's on a web-cam, this is like a new take on In Treatment and the out takes at the end were great


Reply 4#4 bala's post

I hope she don't charge the same price as a face to face consultation


Reply 6#6 bala's post

What a difference going from a 50 minute face to face to a 3 minute web session


Reply 8#8 bala's post

I didn't know that thanks for the heads up


1x02 Desperate Measures

The way she talks to her patient seems a little condescending


1x03 Shrink Rap

Ted's evaluation of her services was amusing and her business proposal being rejected by her mother was interesting


1x04 Public Relations

I'm not surprised that Claire lost her temper after being put on probation after following Fiona's advice and find out why the husband of the other couple was jealous of his wife being the bread winner was funny


1x05 Shrinking & Growing

The session with Gina was boring until she started flirting with Fiona's assistant especially when they started to text each other which was amusing and the bitchiness between Robin and Fiona was priceless


1x06 We've Got a Secret

Fiona's discovering her husband's secret life was interesting but her husband thinking the other woman was a transvestite was incredible


1x07 Exposed!

Fiona's mother smoking the weed was amusing


1x08 Psychic Analysis

Courteney Cox as the Internet psychic was amusing


1x09 Whistle While You Work

Robert loosing his temper after Fiona sold the jewelery he sent was amusing


1x10 Strange Bedfellows

Austen Clarke was amusing and why Fiona would have him turn the plane around for Kip and him becoming a congressman was crazy


[ Last edited by codebreaker at 6-12-2012 22:27 ]



2x01 Getting It Straight

Meryl Streep and Rosie O'Donnell guest staring was interesting but Kip preferring to look at a photo of David Hasselhoff than a naked photo of Fiona was amusing


2x02 Blindsides and Backslides

Fiona having control of the camera over the bed was interesting but Meryl Streep didn't look impressed which was amusing


2x03 Campaign Reform

Robin recording Fiona without her consent was interesting but she should of known better than to trust her and Ben saying he was a survivor of abortion was a strange statement



2x04 Sister Act

I'm not surprised Fiona's sister wanted help with their mother after her 15 year old son seen his grandmother naked from the waist down but then becoming her mothers power of attorney and telling her sister to move out was cruel


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