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Combat Hospital Season 1 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 4#4 codebreaker's post

The difference between the two is that she has experience in trauma and he hasn't. But I think he did well for his first time especially seeing the circumstances. And that second case was great. But wow, what a way to begin a new job. And when they showed the guy's injury during the bombing, you just knew he had internal bleeding and wasn't going to make it. But the snake was funny and I actually like the boss. But the girl is a bit cocky trying to tell everyone how good she is. Still, I like her and I think it will approve when she's there for a while.


Reply 6#6 bala's post

If they don't go to melodrama, I think this is better then off the map. This is going to bit more action, more bloody wounds and hopefully very good :-). And it looks like we are going to get a great groupsdynamic. + I love the civilian doc, looking at the female doc while talking to the male one, prescribing sex to get to sleep, ... I love his spontinality.


I love that guy and I think he fits very well with Rebecca but she also has a lot of chemistry with Simon, and although he's a bit cocky and he sleeps around, I do like him. He has something about  him.


Reply 31#31 bala's post

I don't think he's ungreatfull. It's just that he still needs to come to terms with what happened to him. A lot of people don't accept immediatly that they can never walk again. This is a pretty common reaction. But later he would realise that he is lucky that simon operated.
As for Simon's brother, I think it is strange that he was just let go out of the hospital and that they didn't know that he had next of kin. But this gave inside into Simon and I wonder why this is the first time that we saw the chaplin. Cause there were a few other case where they could have really used her help. Simon confiding in her was good. I suppose that that's the reason why they brought her in this episode.


Reply 34#34 bala's post

I had the same thing. I started watching the last episode and I missed something so I checked and there were two episodes added. but I liked the episode because she had to tell the chief his own rules and she made the right choice.
I like the character development with the neurosurgeon, but they don't have to become to cheesy.


Reply 42#42 codebreaker's post

how do you mean? I agree with Bala, she needed to talk that way to the girl so that the boy would talk, but she hated doing that. Because she had to hurt them while she promised them that she wouldn't let anyone hurt them. But at least now they are going to a good trauma program. Before she started talking to the girl, she asked when the boy had last been sedated to make sure he would be able to hear them.
And rebecca did a great job.

