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House Season 7-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Post Mortem

Well Wilson and House having road trip was interesting leaving the team solve the case and Chase deciding to leave was nice since he really should move on been there so long already.


Holding On

Well i am not sure what make the ending with next being final episode i was left rather surprised that a prank house did will land him in jail which isn't bad enough but the fact that Wilson is dying and he can't be with him was rather sad


Everybody Dies

Well another series final and i have mixed feelings about this episode. On one hand i expected the only way to end this series if House dies but you have got give writers credit and decide to give House and Wilson story a happy ending that text message was rather amusing consider what he said about him and having dead character return was great way for series to go out.

What i didn't like was the fact that House can't come back from faking his death which makes wonder what he will do once Wilson passes?.


8x20 Post Mortem

Chase deciding to leave and come out of the shadows would of been interesting if it wasn't coming to an end and what a road trip and the patient getting sick because of the soap he used was ironic


8x21 Holding On

House organising a room full of fake patient for Wilson was a little insensitive, I thought House would have his bail revoked for the attack on the patient and not the plumbing


Special Swan Song

Nice recap of the show with some interesting facts like less than 100 walking sticks over the whole show but i did like the set design and what a good idea with the $5 Friday were they all put their name on a note and then draw one out to win and knowing they knew it was the last episode before filming makes it sound like they had thought about how to end the show, paint balling the set at the ends was amusing but House shooting his foot just to see if it hurt was priceless


8x22 Everyone Dies

Faking his own death so he could spend what ever time Wilson has left together knowing he can never go back afterwards was an awesome gesture that not many friends would do


Reply 61#61 codebreaker's post

So did you like series finale what a way to end the series i never thought they would give them a happy ending but they did but they should try to do a movie where he comes back. .


Reply 62#62 bala's post

I know the announcement came late that this was the last season but as a series finale I thought it was good to let the viewers speculate to what the future holds for House after Wilson has gone


Reply 63#63 codebreaker's post

I thought they knew this was final season when season started ?


Reply 64#64 bala's post

Perhaps they did but I don't think it was announced at the start like other shows

